Returning to a slightly old thread.....

I have implemented a new algorithm for computing large Bernoulli  

Running on 10 cores for 5.5 days, I computed B_k for k = 10^8, which  
I believe is a new record. (Recall the Mathematica blog post  from  
April was for k = 10^7.)

Essentially it's the multimodular algorithm I suggested earlier on  
this thread, but I figured out some tricks to optimise the crap out  
of the computation of B_k mod p.

Patch is up for review here:

Preprint is here (comments welcome):

One data point, on a 2.6GHz opteron:

sage: time x = bernoulli(10^5, algorithm="pari")
CPU times: user 0.16 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.16 s
Wall time: 20.57 s
sage: time y = bernoulli(10^5, algorithm="bernmm")
CPU times: user 6.54 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 6.54 s
Wall time: 6.54 s
sage: time z = bernoulli(10^5, algorithm="bernmm", num_threads=3)
CPU times: user 6.54 s, sys: 0.03 s, total: 6.57 s
Wall time: 2.71 s
sage: x == y
sage: x == z

Timings for some bigger k:

k = 10^7:
PARI/GP = 75 h
Mathematica = 142 h
bernmm (1 core) = 11.1 h
bernmm (10 cores) = 1.3 h

k = 10^8:
bernmm (10 cores) = 131h = 5.5 days


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