On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 6:10 PM, q10 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello:
> It has come to my attention that SAGE does not have a units-conversion
> program component (maybe it has; if it does, please show me).  I
> recommend adding the GPLed unit conversion program called ConvertAll
> (http://www.convertall.bellz.org/)  I believe it is written with
> Python, so integration of it into SAGE should not be too difficult.

>From the above webpage:

"ConvertAll is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either Version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.


ConvertAll requires the following libraries:

    * Qt (Version 4.1 or higher - see Trolltech for more information)
    * Python (Version 2.3 or higher)
    * PyQt (Version 4.0 or higher - see Riverbank for more information)"

Requiring Qt might be a problem. However, I don't see why a units-conversion
package requires a graphics library like Qt. Indeed, the web site says

"Command line options are available to do conversions without the GUI."

> It seems that SAGE is also missing a geometry sketchpad component.  It
> would be nice to add the GPLed 2D/3D geometry sketchpad program known
> as Geogebra (http://www.geogebra.org).

This has been discussed before. I think it has serious licensing
incompatibility issues and also uses java.

> Finally, there is a very good graphing program known as K3DSurf
> (http://k3dsurf.sourceforge.net/) that makes very good 3D/4D/5D graph
> models.  Please consider adding this program into SAGE as well.

Were you able to download and compile the source code for this?
The website (or my computer) was very slow for me, so I gae up looking.
If you did so, what OS did you use? Do you know the license for k3dsurf?

> Thanks for hearing my suggestions,
> Please reply,
> -q10
> >

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