On 23/08/2008, at 3:43 AM, Harald Schilly wrote:

> For me, python is a different playground than mma and unless there
> isn't a real reason i don't like to import mma syntax - or any other.

I would much prefer to learn the proper python way of doing things  
than try to retrofit python to make it look like mathematica.

> this example is for me better done by
>>>> data = [-1,2,3]
>>>> gt0 = lambda x: x>0 and x or 0
>>>> map(gt0, data)
> [0, 2, 3]
> in python - or more geeky
>>>> map(lambda x: x>0 and x or 0, data)
> [0, 2, 3]

Can someone translate that "lambda x: x>0 and x or 0" into William's  
"the words in your head" please?


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