Two build reports.  Both built fine, but a few doctest failures:

1.  Linux version 2.6.24-19-generic ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version
4.2.3 (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu7)) #1 SMP Fri Jul 11 23:41:49 UTC 2008

The following tests failed:

        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/stats/hmm/chmm.pyx
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/stats/hmm/hmm.pyx
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/matrix/matrix_mod2_dense.pyx

The first looks like just numerical noise.  The second is not just that:

sage -t  devel/sage/sage/stats/hmm/hmm.pyx
File "/home/john/sage-3.1.2.alpha1/tmp/", line 678:
    sage: a.viterbi([1,0,0,1,0,0,1,1])
    ([1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1], -11.062453224772216)
    ([1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1], -11.062453224772215)
File "/home/john/sage-3.1.2.alpha1/tmp/", line 686:
    sage: a.viterbi([3/4, 'abc', 'abc'] + [3/4]*10)
    ([0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], -25.299405845367794)
    ([0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], -25.299405845367794)
1 items had failures:
   2 of   6 in __main__.example_19
***Test Failed*** 2 failures.
For whitespace errors, see the file
         [1.8 s]
exit code: 1024

The third is this:
File "/home/john/sage-3.1.2.alpha1/tmp/", line 267:
    sage: hex(hash(A))

2. Linux version ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) (gcc version
4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (SUSE Linux)) #1 SMP Tue Apr 17 08:42:35
UTC 2007

The following tests failed:
        sage -t  devel/sage/sage/plot/

Rerunning this one took an age (166s, surely over the limit?!) and
produced this:
File "/home/jec/sage-3.1.2.alpha1/tmp/", line 4505:
    sage: adaptive_refinement(sin, (0,0), (pi,0), adaptive_tolerance=0.01)
    [(0.125000000000000*pi, 0.38268343236508978),
(0.187500000000000*pi, 0.55557023301960218), (0.250000000000000*pi,
0.707106781186547...), (0.312500000000000*pi, 0.83146961230254524),
(0.375000000000000*pi, 0.92387953251128674), (0.437500000000000*pi,
0.98078528040323043), (0.500000000000000*pi, 1.0),
(0.562500000000000*pi, 0.98078528040323043), (0.625000000000000*pi,
0.92387953251128674), (0.687500000000000*pi, 0.83146961230254546),
(0.750000000000000*pi, 0.70710678118654757), (0.812500000000000*pi,
0.55557023301960218), (0.875000000000000*pi, 0.38268343236508989)]
    [(0.125000000000000*pi, 0.38268343236508978),
(0.187500000000000*pi, 0.55557023301960218), (0.250000000000000*pi,
0.70710678118654746), (0.312500000000000*pi, 0.83146961230254524),
(0.375000000000000*pi, 0.92387953251128674), (0.437500000000000*pi,
0.98078528040323043), (0.500000000000000*pi, 1.0),
(0.562500000000000*pi, 0.98078528040323043), (0.625000000000000*pi,
0.92387953251128674), (0.687500000000000*pi, 0.83146961230254535),
(0.750000000000000*pi, 0.70710678118654757), (0.812500000000000*pi,
0.55557023301960218), (0.875000000000000*pi, 0.38268343236508989)]

which has a single digit of noise difference.


2008/8/27 mabshoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello folks,
> alpha1 is finally out. I don't think alpha0 was ever announced here,
> so I am posting both logs. We merged loads of patches, but especially
> plotting improvements. Besides that we finally upgraded numpy and
> matplotlib, so some things might be going wrong there. I need some
> sleep, so I will see in the morning what blew up :)
> Sources are available in
> Cheers,
> Michael
> Merged in Sage 3.1.alpha1:
> #1539: William Stein: bdist of sage should include devel/doc [Reviewed
> by Michael Abshoff]
> #2000: Martin Albrecht: fall back to univariate factoring if possible
> [Reviewed by Carl Witty]
> #2410: Jason Grout: parametric_plot and constants [Reviewed by Mike
> Hansen]
> #2491: Mike Hansen: Showing source from sloane_functions [Reviewed by
> Michael Abshoff]
> #2569: Carl Witty: Add XOR to preparser [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
> #3359: Martin Albrecht: bug/inconsistency in multivariate polynomial
> substitution [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
> #3390: Jason Grout: update numpy to the 1.1.0 release [Reviewed by
> Michael Abshoff]
> #3392: Tim Abbott, Jason Grout: upgrade matplotlib to 0.98.3 release
> [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff]
> #3432: Martin Albrecht: MPolynomial_libsingular does not have a
> degrees method [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
> #3653: Carl Witty: Better random complex numbers [Reviewed by Mike
> Hansen]
> #3654: Jason Grout: Deprecation warning function [Reviewed by Michael
> Abshoff, Mike Hansen]
> #3655: C. Boncelet, David Joyner: left multiplication in piecewise
> does not work [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
> #3719: David Joyner: bug in group cohomology [Reviewed by Alex Ghitza]
> #3724: Martin Albrecht: faster hashs for Matrix_mod2_dense [Reviewed
> by Simon King]
> #3792: Ondrej Certik: fix Sage build when there is a broken systemwide
> freetype library [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff]
> #3794: Jason Grout: Create eigen functions for matrices [Reviewed by
> John Cremona]
> #3813: Franco Saliola, Arnaud Bergeron: Improve adaptive rendering in
> plot() [Reviewed by William Stein, Mike Hansen]
> #3826: Carl Witty: Empty string in interact prints \x00 [Reviewed by
> Igor Tolkov]
> #3853: Mike Hansen, Jason Grout: improvements part 1: Remove
> all factories [Reviewed by Jason Grout, Mike Hansen, Michael Abshoff]
> #3854: Igor Tolkov: interact needs to use "notruncate" [Reviewed by
> Martin Albrecht, Mike Hansen]
> #3869: John Cremona: CremonaDatabase functions iter() and
> isogeny_classes() sort keys wrongly [Reviewed by Carl Witty]
> #3873: Jason Grout, Carl Witty: Doctest should test for warnings
> [Reviewed by Carl Witty, Michael Abshoff]
> #3896: Robert Bradshaw: Upgrade Cython to [Reviewed by
> Michael Abshoff]
> #3910: Carl Witty: adjust interval printing: precise integers print as
> integers [Reviewed by John Cremona]
> #3913: John Cremona: order function not defined for ideal classes
> [Reviewed by Alex Ghitza]
> #3926: Martin Albrecht: fix Macaulay2 building [Reviewed by Michael
> Abshoff]
> #3927: John Cremona: Several enhancements and bug fixes for
> Factorization class [Reviewed by Carl Witty]
> #3939: Martin Albrecht: copyright notice in integer.pyx [Reviewed by
> Michael Abshoff]
> #3942: Robert Miller: Sage interfaces vs. pyprocessing [Reviewed by
> William Stein]
> #3946: Chris Holdsworth: Tidier BinaryQF reductions [Reviewed by John
> Cremona]
> #3947: Michael Abshoff, David Philp: build python against Sage's
> readline [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
> #3948: Michael Abshoff: Add 64 bit OSX build support for clisp
> [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
> #3952: Mike Hansen: make plot() and parametric_plot() use fast_float
> on their functions [Reviewed by Carl Witty, Michael Abshoff]
> #3963: Mike Hansen: bug in converting Sage's rationals to Sympy
> rationals [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff]
> Merged in Sage 3.1.alpha0:
> #1300: Simon King, Martin Albrecht: Customize the output of Singular
> matrices [Reviewed by Martin Albrecht, Simon King]
> #1470: Michael Abshoff, Mike Hansen: upgrade maxima.spkg to 5.16.2
> [Reviewed by Mike Hansen, Michael Abshoff]
> #1621: Michael Abshoff: update gd to 2.0.35/update 64 bit OSX support
> [Reviwed by Robert Miller]
> #3013: Michael Abshoff: bug in integrate (found during a talk!)
> [Reviewed by Mike Hansen]
> #3174: Michael Abshoff: add 64 bit OSX build support to flint
> [Reviewed by Robert Miller]
> #3175: Michael Abshoff: add 64 bit OSX build support to zlib [Reviewed
> by Robert Miller]
> #3194: Michael Abshoff: fix 64 bit OSX build support for singular
> [Reviwed by Robert Miller]
> #3195: Michael Abshoff: add 64 bit OSX build support for polybori
> [Reviwed by Robert Miller]
> #3199: Michael Abshoff: fix 64 bit OSX build support for zn_poly
> [Reviwed by Mike Hansen]
> #3641: Martin Albrecht: new Singular upstream release [Reviewed by
> Michael Abshoff]
> #3683: Simon King, David Joyner: Wrap GAP's meataxe implementation
> [Reviewed by David Joyner, Simon King]
> #3707: Ondrej Certik: Make all common Sage classes convertible to
> SymPy, update Sympy to 0.6.2 [Reviewed by Martin Albrecht]
> #3710: Andrzej Giniewicz: Segfault in Tachyon on some latest GCC
> versions [Reviewed by Michael Abshoff]
> #3726: William Stein: stats/finance -- add support for hidden markov
> models to sage [Reviewed by Josh Kantor]
> #3773: William Stein: hidden markov models -- part 2 [Reviewed by Josh
> Kantor]
> #3874: Karl-Dieter Crisman: Moebius plot bug [Reviewed by William
> Stein]
> #3880: Robert Miller: Bad behavior of arrows [Reviewed by Michael
> Abshoff]
> #3884: Michael Abshoff: change banner in "sage -advanced" [Reviewed by
> William Stein]
> #3887: Craig Citro, Nils-Peter Skoruppa: Fix bug in determinant
> [Reviewed by William Stein]
> #3888: Martin Albrecht: fix trivial indentation [Reviewed by Michael
> Abshoff]
> #3908: Carl Witty: fix major memory leak in fast_float [Reviewed by
> Michael Abshoff]
> #3919: Igor Tolkov: Selector - do not inset a lone button [Reviewed by
> William Stein]
> >

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