I tried to build the documentation but I get this error:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/sage/sage-3.1.1/devel/doc$ make tut
python /home/cristian/sage/sage-3.1.1/devel/doc-main/tools/mkhowto --
html --about html/stdabout.dat --iconserver ../icons --favicon ../
icons/pyfav.png --address "See <i><a href=\"about.html\">About this
document...</a></i> for information on suggesting changes." --up-
link ../index.html --up-title "SAGE Documentation Index" --global-
module-index "../modindex.html" --dvips-safe --dir html/tut --numeric
--split 3 tut/tut.tex
+++ TEXINPUTS=/home/cristian/sage/sage-3.1.1/devel/doc-main/tut:/home/
+++ latex tut
*** Session transcript and error messages are in /home/cristian/sage/
*** Exited with status 1.
The relevant lines from the transcript are:
+++ latex tut
This is pdfTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.40.3 (Web2C 7.5.6)
 %&-line parsing enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2005/12/01>
Babel <v3.8h> and hyphenation patterns for english, usenglishmax,
dumylang, noh
yphenation, arabic, farsi, croatian, ukrainian, russian, bulgarian,
czech, slov
ak, danish, dutch, finnish, basque, french, german, ngerman, ibycus,
greek, mon
ogreek, ancientgreek, hungarian, italian, latin, mongolian, norsk,
icelandic, i
nterlingua, turkish, coptic, romanian, welsh, serbian, slovenian,
estonian, esp
eranto, uppersorbian, indonesian, polish, portuguese, spanish,
catalan, galicia
n, swedish, ukenglish, pinyin, loaded.
Document Class: manual 1998/03/03 Document class (Python manual)
Using Times instead of Computer Modern.
) (/home/cristian/sage/sage-3.1.1/devel/doc-main/texinputs/
Style option: `fancybox' v1.3 <2000/09/19> (tvz)
) (/usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/base/report.cls
Document Class: report 2005/09/16 v1.4f Standard LaTeX document class
Using fancier footers than usual.
Using fancy chapter headings.
Including htmltex ... dohtml undefined; skipping ...)
For additional information on amsmath, use the `?' option.
! Undefined control sequence.
\maketitle ... \relax [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ifpdf
                                                  \begingroup \def \\
{, } \p...
l.32 \maketitle

! Emergency stop.
\maketitle ... \relax [EMAIL PROTECTED] \ifpdf
                                                  \begingroup \def \\
{, } \p...
l.32 \maketitle

No pages of output.
Transcript written on tut.log.
*** Session transcript and error messages are in /home/cristian/sage/
*** Exited with status 1.
make: *** [html/tut/tut.html] Error 1

Previously I've got other errors but I fixed them searching some
missing files (manual.cls, python.sty, and others) and putting them in
my $SAGE_ROOT/devel/doc/tut directory or following the help on this
page (about cyrillic fonts and latex2html).

Thank you in advance.


p.s.: I would like to translate the tutorial in italian... but at
least I've to build the english one first!
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