On Sep 23, 7:30 pm, "Justin C. Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sep 23, 2008, at 11:15 , CristianCantoro wrote:


> > Thanks Michael, that worked!
> > just to know... what does "source local/bin/sage-env" do?
> > I will start the translation as soon as I can.
> 'source' is a shell built-in that reads shell commands from the named  
> file (until EOF) and then goes back to its previous source of input.  
> It executes the commands in its own process, not in a subshell, so the  
> effects remain after the end of the file.
> See the man page for the shell you are using for details (I'm not sure  
> that all shells support this; and the name of the command may change.  
> '.' is a synonym for 'source' [at least for "bash"]).

IIRC "." is sh syntax, but also works with bash. "source" does not
work on csh and its descendants, i.e. tcsh to mention the most common.
Any Unix person knows that csh and tcsh are canonically evil ;). To
get everybody fired up: Emacs sucks, vi is the one true editor.
Recently I have felt that notepad.exe is the answer to all questions,
but I need to lie down for a while ....

> Justin



> --
> Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon at Large
> Director
> Institute for the Enhancement of the Director's income
> -----------
> --
> They said it couldn't be done, but sometimes,
> it doesn't work out that way.
>    - Casey Stengel
> --
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