On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 5:49 PM, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 10:07 PM, Jason Grout
> <jason-s...@creativetrax.com> wrote:
>> I just finished upgrading the matplotlib spkg to the newest version.
>> See http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/4774
>> This version of matplotlib deprecates some of the constructs found in
>> Sage's matplotlibrc (which is located in $SAGE_ROOT and automatically
>> copied to $DOT_SAGE if needed every time sage starts up).  The result is
>> a bunch of deprecation warnings every time Sage starts up (when
>> matplotlib loads Sage's matplotlibrc file).  In trying to figure out
>> what to do about this with several other developers, one option that
>> came up was just throwing away/ignoring the special Sage matplotlibrc
>> and using the normal, standard defaults for matplotlibrc (including the
>> standard location for a customized matplotlibrc).
>> In investigating things more deeply, there were only a few real changes
>> we made to the default behavior of matplotlib.  IIRC, a few font choices
>> were reordered, legends were changed to display a bit more of the
>> function, and the dpi of saved images was bumped up from 80 dpi to 100
>> dpi (but this should be set when Sage saves an image anyway, so I don't
>> know that this changes anything).
>> So here's a proposal: Should Sage stop distributing a custom
>> matplotlibrc, and ignore matplotlibrc files that already exist in the
>> $DOT_SAGE directories?
>> Note that if people really want to customize the matplotlib settings,
>> they can always use the standard location for matplotlibrc (i.e.,
>> ~/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc, I think).  This will clean code out of the
>> bin repository and reduce startup time for sage as well.  Patches which
>> do this are posted to #4774.
>> I vote yes, provided some sort of note is made in the release notes
>> about the ignored matplotlibrc file.
> I vote no, since I created the $DOT_SAGE/matplotlib directory
> *precisely* because of problems that happen if you were to do what you
> describe above.  For starters, people often also used a system-wide
> Python with their own version of matplotlib -- then end result was
> that if they tried to switch back and forth between sage and
> python/ipython/matplotlib, they would get tons of deprecation
> warnings, since the systemwide version of matplotlib is often
> different than the sage version.
> Second, how will what you suggest solve any problems?  All you do is
> move the problem from $DOT_SAGE/matplotlib/matplotlibc to
> $HOME/.matplotlibrc.  It's exactly the same problem.   You just
> temporarily put it off for a while.
> I *wish* matplotlib would replace their stupid deprecation warnings by
> something that just updates the matplotlibrc file, and say makes a
> copy of the old one.  Is there any way we could catch the warnings and
> if they occur move $DOT_SAGE/matplotlib/matplotlibrc to another file,
> then put a new matplotlibrc in place and print a message that this
> just happened?  You could do that by making slightly patching
> matplotlib as well.  I think matplotlib's behavior of emitting
> warnings but doing nothing helpful to resolve them is just obnoxious.

Maybe matplotlib developers would accept a patch fixing this.


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