Just want to confirm that I have the same problem: just a black jmol
box in
Sage Notebook 3.2.3
Firefox 3.0.6
on XP.

when I try the ubc test examples, 1 and 3 work reliably.
But I have only been able to make 2 run once successfully.
Otherwise, it's a black box too.


On Jan 11, 10:53 pm, Jonathan <gu...@uwosh.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
>   I'm convinced this is a javascript issue.  When developing pages
> that include Jmol I use the special package of Jmol specific
> javascript functions included in the jmol.js file included with Jmol,
> because each browser has some quirks.  As best I can tell this package
> is not being used by the notebook.  This may be the problem.  If
> someone can point me to the code that generates the jmol parts of
> pages for the notebook, I can take a look.  However, I make no
> promises.
> Jonathan
> a Jmol developer
> On Dec 26 2008, 10:18 am, Kathy Gerber <kathyma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I am not able to resolve the problems with Jmol.  When I view on the
> > Jmol site, the applet loads and runs fine.  Now when I try to do
> > parametric plot in the references on sagenb.org, I see the black box.
> > I can right click and manipulate the view, but here is the output of
> > the java console:
> > Jmol applet jmolApplet9__6248650044861166__ destroyed
> > Jmol applet jmolApplet10__6248650044861166__ initializing
> > language=en_US
> > urlImage=jar:http://www.sagenb.org/java/jmol/JmolApplet0.jar!/
> > jmol75x29x8.gif
> > AppletRegistry.checkIn(jmolApplet10__6248650044861166__)
> > (C) 2008 Jmol Development
> > Jmol Version 11.6.RC8  2008-08-14 22:55
> > java.vendor:Sun Microsystems Inc.
> > java.version:1.6.0_07
> > os.name:Windows XP
> > memory:24.1/33.4
> > useCommandThread: false
> > appletId:jmolApplet10__6248650044861166__
> > appletDocumentBase=http://www.sagenb.org/doc/live/ref/module-
> > sage.plot.plot3d.parametric-plot3d.html
> > appletCodeBase=http://www.sagenb.org/java/jmol/
> > popup menu not available
> > defaults = "Jmol"
> > backgroundColor = "black"
> > FileManager 
> > openinghttp://www.sagenb.org/home/_sage_/1469/cells/36/sage0-size500.jmol?3
> > FileManager 
> > openinghttp://www.sagenb.org/doc/live/ref/sage0-size500-562242044.jmol.zip
> > script ERROR: io error 
> > readinghttp://www.sagenb.org/doc/live/ref/sage0-size500-562242044.jmol.zip|SCRIPT:
> > java.io.FileNotFoundException:http://www.sagenb.org/doc/live/ref/sage0-size500-562242044.jmol.zip
> > eval ERROR:
> > ----line 2 command 2 of  file /home/_sage_/1469/cells/36/sage0-
> > size500.jmol?3:
> >          script >> "SCRIPT" <<
> > ----line 1 command 1 of  file null:
> >          script >> "/home/_sage_/1469/cells/36/sage0-size500.jmol?3"
> > <<
> > ==================================
> > I've had worse luck running locally.  I've tried compiling on FC10,
> > and the libraries from the Sun JRE were needed.  After going through
> > the Sun JRE process, a new set of sage compile errors had to do with
> > missing ant.
> > I hope this is of some help in isolating the problem.  I've tried
> > several browsers on several platforms, and generally can use sage and
> > can use jmol applets, but cannot use jmol applets via sage.
> > Kathy Gerber
> > On Dec 13, 6:09 pm, Jaap Spies <j.sp...@hccnet.nl> wrote:
> > > Jonathan wrote:
> > > Hi Jonathan,
> > > >   As aJmoldeveloper and probable user ofSagefor my classes, I/we
> > > > definitely would like to help.  I've done a little investigating on a
> > > >Sageinstallation on my computer running MacOS 11.4.11.  I can
> > > > reproduce the problem, but it is not showing up the way I expect in
> > > > the page source generated by theSageserver.  What I see is that not
> > > > everything is showing up in the page source in FF.  Is there something
> > > > different about the way you package things for FF versus other
> > > > browsers?  Here's what I see:
> > > I hope this will work out on Fedora too!
> > > What I see is grey squares, for instance 
> > > in:http://www.math.ubc.ca/~mcleane/jmoltest/simple.htm
> > > with FF-3.0.4 with Java plugin 1.6.0_06
> > >  FromSagethe same grey squares!
> > > Jaap

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