On Feb 19, 6:18 am, Simon King <k...@mathematik.uni-jena.de> wrote:
> On Feb 19, 3:02 pm, mabshoff <mabsh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > The issue you are hitting are ironically related to the GCD changes in
> > Singular 3-1-0:
> > This is the code you have to fix in multi_polynomial_libsingular.pyx
> >         if algorithm == "ezgcd":
> >             Off(SW_USE_CHINREM_GCD)
> >             On(SW_USE_EZGCD)        elif algorithm == "modular":
> >             On(SW_USE_CHINREM_GCD)
> >             Off(SW_USE_EZGCD)
> >         else:
> > I have no clue what he GCD code in Singular 3-1-0 looks like, but feel
> > free to let us know how you fixed it :)
> Thanks to Michael B., who explained me some secrets of iparith.cc, I
> was able to contribute a patch to Singular 3-1-0. But I am afraid I
> never learned how to compute a gcd...

You don't need to do that. Just grep around in the headers/sources and
figure out where SW_USE_EZGCD is defined. Then compare that file in
3-0-4 to 3-1-0 and determine what happened to SW_USE_CHINREM_GCD, i.e.
was it renamed, was it replaced by something else, etc. This is
*exactly* why down and upgrading won't be supported because once we
move to Singular 3-0-1 any previous Singular release won't work any
more :)

One more remark:  Since the issue seems to be with the Singular binary
you want to run the GBasis computation with you can call Singular
3-0-3 or Singular 3-1-0 by modifying the Singular script in Sage 3.2.3
for example to adjust $PATH and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH to call a different
Singular release. No point in changing a thing in Sage. Often the
simplest solution is to side step the problem ;)

> Cheers
>       Simon



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