> And this BS since it is not running out of memory:
> sage: for p in prime_range(390,10000):
>     if p%13==1: print get_memory_usage()
>     v.append(E.change_ring(GF(p)))
> ...
> 139.0
> 139.0
> 139.0
> 140.0
> 141.0
> 141.0
> 141.0
> error: no more memory
> System 5120k:5120k Appl 4638k/481k Malloc 4095k/0k Valloc 1024k/480k
> Pages 153/103 Regions 2:2
> halt 14
> teragon:sage-3.3.rc2 wstein$
> OK, this is a singular problem for sure.  Check this out:

That's only on OSX, right? I just tried it on my 64-bit Linux box and 
everything is fine. Michael, you complained about Singular on OSX before, any 


name: Martin Albrecht
_pgp: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x8EF0DC99
_otr: 47F43D1A 5D68C36F 468BAEBA 640E8856 D7951CCF
_www: http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~malb
_jab: martinralbre...@jabber.ccc.de

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