On Feb 26, 2009, at 12:17 PM, Florent Hivert wrote:

>> BTW, NonNegative- and PostiveIntegers were implemented by David Roe
>> as part of the Coercion branch, but never ended up getting merged
>> over (partially due to lack of doctests).
> Thanks for the info. But now the obvious question is what should I  
> do here ? I
> can't find any trace of this in trac.  Is there a possibility to  
> get this code ?
> Is it possible to get a patch a to extract the relevant part to  
> resubmit
> it. Or maybe it's to trivial and I should start from scratch...

sage-main-old/sage/rings/natural_parents.py and related files. (You  
could clone that directory if you want). It's probably easier to  
start from scratch at this point.

- Robert

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