Dear Fidel,

On Mar 3, 5:29 am, Minh Nguyen <> wrote:
> You might want to have a look at this site:
> It contains tickets with patches, so you can picket any ticket and
> view the attached patches.

Perhaps the use of a "patch" needs an explanation. You can find an
introduction in the programming tutorial, see the subsections of

Here is my outline:

A patch defines a change in the code: Some old lines will be removed,
others will be changed, new will be inserted, and so on.

How to obtain a patch from a ticket? The ticket has some link to its
attachments. The first thing you see is an *annotated* version of the
patch, i.e. a html page where the changes are highlighted. At the
bottom of the page, you see a link that gives you the original format
of the patch; this is a simple text file and is what you should

You might consider to do development work in a separate branch of
Sage, so that you can return to something that works (just in case if
you mess up things). This is done (on a shell) by
 sage -clone Name_of_new_repository
 sage -b Name_of_new_repository

If you want to return to the original repository, just do
 sage -b main

Sage includes Mercurial, which helps to keep track of code changes in
a cooperative way. And it can also deal with the patch (say
"newstuff.patch") that you just downloaded. In Sage, you can do
 sage: hg_sage.import_patch("path_to/newstuff")

If this does not work, then you should complain at the ticket. If it
works, then the source code is now changed -- but the Sage executable
is still unchanged. Therefore, quit Sage and do
  sage -b

This command will do a new compilation of those files that were
altered by the patch (and the dependent files as well).

And now you can test if you like the new code...

The opposite way: You want to change the code and submit a patch for
some ticket.

The files that are considered by hg_sage are located in sub-folders
SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage-Name_of_new_repository/. So, please do your
changes there. Of course, the files concerning the main branch of Sage
are in SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage-main/

If you did your changes, then you should again do "sage -b" and test.
If it works, you inform Mercurial that your changes shall make up a
new version of your *local* sage. This is done by
 sage: hg_sage.commit()

First, you will see what is changed. Second, an editor pops up and you
are asked to type a comment about your changes. If this is done, you
are back at the sage prompt.

If you do
 sage: hg_sage.log()
then you will see the complete history of Sage revisions, including
the change that you just did yourself.

Take down the version number of your change, and do
 sage: hg_sage.export(version_number, 'Some_path/new_patch_name')

The result will be a patch, i.e. a text file named
new_patch_name.patch in the given path. Now you can attach this file
to the ticket. If it gets a positive review then the patch may be
included into one of the next releases of Sage, i.e., only at that
point your changes are more-than-local.

>     # put your doctests here
>     # should include lots and lots of examples on how to use my_function()
>     """

More details can be found in subsections of

Essentially, you include in your doc-string the output of a Sage
session. If a line starts with 'sage:', then the rest of the line is
interpreted as a command. The other lines are the expected output. So,
if my_function() raises any appropriate input to the second power,
then your doc string may contain:
sage: my_function(sqrt(2))
sage: my_function(Matrix(ZZ,2,2,[0,1,1,0]))
[1 0]
[0 1]
sage: my_function('bla')

If your function is supposed to raise an error under certain
circumstances, this can be tested as well:
sage: my_function(Matrix(ZZ,2,1,[1,0]))
Traceback (most recent call last):
ArithmeticError: self must be a square matrix

The line 'Traceback (most recent call last):' informs the test suite
that you *want* to have an error. The last line tells which type of
error and which error message is expected.

And the "..." is very useful. If parts of the output is random, you
can replace the random parts by '...' and only give the non-random
parts. For example, if my_function has an option to print out a
timing, then you could do
    sage: my_function(2,withTime=True)
    -> Total computation time: ... seconds

Best regards,

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