On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 3:33 AM, Ralf Hemmecke <r...@hemmecke.de> wrote:
>>> Do I do something wrong or is autocoercion doing something strange
>>> here?
>>> In fact, I would have expected an error telling me that I cannot
>>> compare
>>> an element of K with any other thing.
>> This is nothing to do with coercion.
> Really?
> sage: parent(1)
> Integer Ring
> sage: parent(a)
> Number Field in a with defining polynomial x^2 + 1
> Are you saying that I can compare an integer with an element of K
> without coercion. Where can I find the code for this?

No, we're saying that any oddities that arise due to having a (broken,
nontransitive) ordering on K can also be seen in situations where
coercion is not involved, so they are not in any way caused by


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