To be honest, I'd have thought that installing a python package and
let it work with SAGE would have been easier, but one issue could be
that I've been working on this in a Saturday night (after coming back
home) from midnight to 1.30 am!! :)

I summarize the way I got "quantities" (
quantities) installed at the end (consider I'm using a VMWare virtual
machine from XP):
1. login as manage
2. sudo su
3. type sage -sh to go into the sage environment
4. unpack and install quantities
5. run SAGE and python and test

The first test failed. I mean, I got it installed and running:
1) unpack the quantities-0.5b2.tar.gz
2) python install

The result is not satisfying me:

1) if I run python from that sage -sh shell, I can use quantities in
the same way they show in the tutorial (
quantities/user/tutorial.html). They seem to clearly claim that
quantities is still in an advanced beta development phase, so it's not
fully documented, nor available for production (yet).
I can confirm, the documentation seems missing: example

import quantities as pq

File:        /usr/local/sage/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/
Type:        <type 'type'>
Definition:  pq.Quantity( [noargspec] )
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature

That's it! Seems poor...

2) The biggest issue is that I can't get it to work within a SAGE

from numpy import *
import quantities as pq
res = 10*pq.ohm

Traceback (click to the left for traceback)
TypeError: unsupported operand parent(s) for '*': 'Integer Ring' and
'<class 'quantities.unitquantity.UnitQuantity'>'

I'm really not that good with all this stuff, but my understanding is
that, whenever you try to define a new object like an integer or a
float number times a "quantities" unit, it somehow forces the number
to become a numpy array. This seems to fail within a SAGE notebook.

Any idea on how this could be fixed, or otherwise should be not?
I am just talking out of couple of minutes working on it, I admit it.

Anyway, I'll try to get the other packages installed as well, although
I am not sure when. Any other suggestion or comment is very well

Final comment: should I have done any other sage command to let it
reload or synchronize the newly installed sage packages, before
running the notebook?

Thank you



On 14 Mar, 09:21, Jason Grout <> wrote:
> Maurizio wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I'm forwarding this to sage-devel as well, maybe being the most
> > appropriate group to address this issue.
> > I'm a happy user of SAGE, and I won't stop thanking all you guys for
> > this wonderful job! Although, I also try to encourage you in getting
> > something better (from my point of view).
> > It seems there has been some serious thinking about including a UNITS
> > of MEASUREMENTS managing package in SAGE:
> >
> > From this, a SAGE trac ticket has been opened (#3852):
> >
> > This is supposed to be a MAJOR priority ticket, and I think this is a
> > very appropriate description!
> I agree.  I should also add that nearly every ticket in trac is marked
> as major priority.  Indeed, there are lots and lots of things to do on
> Sage.  That's why we really appreciate your help!
> > The ticket has a very good (although a bit old now) description of the
> > different packages available to deal with units in Python. One of the
> > options, was the units package included in Enthought. This had the
> > issue of being under refactoring at that time.
> > The actual situation seems to be that the Enthought package has not
> > been changed ( because
> > of some priority issues in that community (very understandable!), but
> > another interesting package was born from this Enthought discussion:
> > the "quantities" package:
> >
> >
> Thanks for tracking this down.  I wondered if it would ever get
> refactored.  What do you think of the Quantities module?  I browsed
> through the documentation and it looked very interesting.  On the plus
> side, it's being actively developed now, which I think sets it apart
> from any of the other solutions, right?
> > As I can see, this has already been mentioned in a comment to our trac
> > ticket, but with no response.
> > Honestly, I am not able to understand whether this is good enough to
> > be included in SAGE, neither I am able of understanding how much
> > refactoring this would need to make this compatible to all the
> > wonderful symbolic capabilities of SAGE, but nonetheless I think that
> > getting something working at least in the numeric domain, could be
> > very useful
> > With this, I'm not proposing this package over others (for example,
> > Unum looks very mature, but outdated), I'm just asking if one of you
> > can spend some minutes to review our trac ticket about units of
> > measurement (#3852), and to take some other decision about it.
> Which package do you prefer? I think at this point, someone needs to
> just make a decision with one of the packages and justify it on
> sage-devel.  Preferably, that person would offer instructions to install
> the top one or two (or three?) choices so that people could try them
> out.  They would probably also give examples of syntax so others could
> see (and maybe compare that to the syntax of the other packages).
> Installation is easy if you are familiar with the command line.  Just do:
> $ sage -sh
> Then follow whatever instructions the package gives for installation.
> That will install the package into Sage's python library.
> Thanks,
> Jason
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