kcrisman wrote:
>>> I agree. As a member of the non-math-teacher part of this list, I must
>>> agree that plot(some_single_var_function_or_expression, 0, 1) should be
>>> considered as valid input.
>> The original proposal by Carl said this would work (see point 3).
>> (well, he had parentheses around the range, but it was the same idea).
>> As far as I understand, you are agreeing with the original proposal, then.
>> Carl: how about also making numerical_integral also have the same
>> exception?  I believe it falls in the same sort of category as plot does
>> in this situation.
> In fact, it is somewhat annoying that one can't do numerical_integral
> with an alternately specified variable, e.g.
> sage: numerical_integral(x^2,x,0,1)
> which currently throws an error of having specified integration
> algorithm of 1.  This is an example where the current behavior doesn't
> allow simply slapping "numerical_" in front of something with only one
> variable, so it's not even possible to *be* consistent the way it's
> currently written.  That would be easy to fix, though, as an option
> for input.
> Also, just for clarification - maybe I'm misinterpreting something -
> will Carl's proposal allow
> sage: integrate(x^2)
> x^3/3
> or not?

That should work, as it is just asking for the integral of a symbolic 
expression.  Similarly, diff should work, etc.  Those functions do not 
require the expression to be callable.

With Carl's patch on the trac ticket:

sage: integrate(x^2)

> sage: y=var('y',ns=1)
> Current ns behavior requires
> sage: f(y)=y^2
> sage: integrate(f)
> y |--> y^3/3
> while directly doing
> sage: integrate(y^2)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call
> last)
> TypeError: cannot coerce type '<type
> 'sage.symbolic.expression.Expression'>' into a SymbolicExpression.
> Of course, the current error is because we haven't done the switch to
> Pynac for everything yet.  Why this would not still be valid input (to
> echo Ronan) after the switch is mystifying to me - again, or perhaps I
> have misinterpreted the deprecation proposal.

Yes, the above error looks like it's from pynac not being finished, not 
from specific design choice.


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