On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 12:03 PM, Joel B. Mohler <j...@kiwistrawberry.us> wrote:
> On Monday 16 March 2009 02:51:30 pm Joel B. Mohler wrote:
>> On Monday 16 March 2009 12:27:10 pm kcrisman wrote:
>> > sage: integrate(y^2)
>> > -------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> >-- TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call
>> > last)
>> > TypeError: cannot coerce type '<type
>> > 'sage.symbolic.expression.Expression'>' into a SymbolicExpression.
>> >
>> > Of course, the current error is because we haven't done the switch to
>> > Pynac for everything yet.  Why this would not still be valid input (to
>> > echo Ronan) after the switch is mystifying to me - again, or perhaps I
>> > have misinterpreted the deprecation proposal.
>> Here's my reason for wanting it deprecated.  It's fragile in the face of
>> unexpected input (I don't like being lulled into a false sense that my code
>> works when suddenly it wouldn't work for a constant input):
>> sage: f=x
>> sage: # many lines of code
>> sage: integrate(f)
>> x^2/2
>> sage: f=1
>> sage: # many lines of code
>> sage: integrate(f)  # what does this mean?
>> ... hangs maxima ...
>> sage: integrate(f,x)  # what does this mean?
>> Now, the fact that the "integrate(1)" hangs maxima is probably a bug all
>> it's own.
> Sorry for the self reply, amend that second example to clarify my intent:
> sage: f=1
> sage: # many lines of code
> sage: integrate(f)  # what does this mean?
> ...
> sage: integrate(f,x)
> x
> Perhaps I should also say that I actually found the original versions of plot
> outright confusing because I *didn't* have to specify the variable.
> Mathematically, it's supposed to be a dummy variable so it should have to be
> specified.  Maybe I'm just silly and pedantic, but the fact that it
> automatically "dummified" my variable confused me.  I do realized that these
> things can be done in a well-defined way, but the fact that the 0 variable
> case was (and is) a source of bugs leads me to believe that no one really
> understood this at the start and that didn't give me confidence in the
> design.
> But I think the decision is already made so I apologize for the dead-horse
> beating.  My only motivation was to answer the question about why it's
> deprecated (from my point of view, which may be totally weird).

I'm definitely OK with this discussion continuing, and I greatly
appreciate your feedback!   And by the way, "welcome back" to Sage,
since I hadn't heard from you must on sage-devel in a while.

 -- William

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