On Apr 17, 12:58 am, Ondrej Certik <ond...@certik.cz> wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 12:21 AM, mabshoff <mabsh...@googlemail.com> wrote:


> >  If SAGE_ROOT is already set sage aborts:
> Ah, so I think I smell where the problem is --- I broke the SAGE_ROOT
> stuff. When I fix it, which I have to fix anyway, thing should start
> working.


> >> If there is, could I fix it by introducing a variable to notebook()
> >> that would control this?
> > Do you still want to do that? The fewer config options there are the
> > better it is ;)
> No, I just didn't know where the problem is.


> I am breaking stuff from time to time now, but once I figure out how
> to customize Sage, it should then be really easy to maintain it. I
> just keep all changes as a set of documented patches in a git "spd"
> branch and original Sage sources in the master branch, so with each
> new Sage release, I just update the master branch and then just rebase
> (or merge, that's probably better to preserve history for debugging)
> my spd branch.

Well, I think what we should do is merge as much of SPD into Sage as
possible to lessen the maintainance burden. One thing I could see here
is to define SAGE_EXECUTABLE and you would just set it to spd in your

But the longer term goal should be something along the line of
changing the SAGE_$FOO variables as much as possible with SPD_$FOO
variables and then have a wrapper script, say sage-env :), that just
sets all SAGE_$FOO values to SPD_$FOO values. This suggestion has not
been discussed before (I mentioned it on the list once) and I am
unclear how much of this might actually happen, but I think we (as in
the Sage project) should support SPD as much as possible and if that
means some changes like the above I am fine with it.

If your plan is still to recreate all scripts to be BSD the above
would be more or less pointless, so you need to let us know what you
want to do. I really don't want to relicense my code in $SAGE_LOCAL/
bin/sage-$FOO to BSD since the EPD for example has fixes to various
python packages that have not been fed back to the community and I
honestly have no interest in something like that happening via other
companies and SPD in the long term. Obviously we don't need to do the
whole BSD vs. GPL flame war here I hope since we have dicsussed this
in IRC often enough and more or less agree. :)

> Ondrej


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