On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 2:46 PM, Maurizio <maurizio.gran...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Could you be clearer? As I told, I'm not familiar with rings. I don't
> even know the meaning of the argument of GF (I took the number 5 from
> an example I see in sage-support group, I think). Do you think that QQ
> [] could fit in this case? Moreover, what's the difference between QQ
> and QQbar?

GF(5) means the Galois field of characteristic 5, a.k.a. the integers
modulo 5.  (So in GF(5), you have 2*3 = 1, 3+4 = 2, etc.)  It's
probably quite irrelevant for computing integrals.

QQ is the rational numbers (fractions).  QQbar is the algebraic
closure of QQ; this means it includes every complex number which is
the root of a polynomial with rational coefficients.  So it includes
things like sqrt(2) (which is a root of x^2-2), and sqrt(-1) (a root
of x^2+1), as well as more exotic numbers like the roots of x^5-x-1,
which can't be expressed using radicals (roots).  (QQbar does not
include all complex numbers, though; for instance, it does not include
pi or e, which are transcendental rather than algebraic.)

> Now let's go to Carl's help...
>> Taking a quick look at that page, it looks like they want the exact
>> roots in CC of a polynomial with algebraic coefficients.  In Sage, we
>> can get this with QQbar:
>> sage: K.<x> = QQbar[]
>> sage: (x^5-x-1).roots(ring=QQbar)
> First problem with QQbar: it seems that resultant() doesn't like it,
> because it is not able to convert it to a Singular ring (this is the
> error, I'm not attaching all the output, tell me if you need it)
> TypeError: no conversion of this ring to a Singular ring defined

Looks like this hasn't been implemented yet.

> On the contrary, QQ[] seems to work fine with resultant (but it
> doesn't have roots() )

Univariate polynomials over QQ definitely have roots(); were you using
a multivariate polynomial ring?

> Moreover, it seems that QQbar roots() is not working for multivariate
> polynomials ring... is it true or am I just missing something else? In
> that case, is possible to let it work in multivariate polynomials? As
> you can imagine, I would like to think about this as a method of
> solving integrals, so it is very likely to have a symbolic expression
> with more than just a single symbolic variable.
> Apart from this, is there another way to solve an equation (with more
> than a single symbolic variable) obtaining exact roots? It seems that
> maxima would do the work (with algebraic numbers...), is it possible
> that it is the only symbolic equation solver within SAGE? What about
> SymPy or anything else?

What does this even mean?  .roots() gives a list of all the solutions
of a univariate polynomial equation.  But a multivariate polynomial
equation will usually have an infinite number of solutions; for
instance, x^2+y^2-1=0 has an infinite number of solutions over the
rationals (or the reals, or the algebraic reals, etc.)

If you have a system of multivariate polynomial equations, then the
system might have only finitely many solutions.

> Finally, I still would like to know which is the best way to translate
> the output of a calculation with polynomial rings into a symbolic
> expression, that can be carried on with maxima or pynac. Can you help
> me?

If p is a polynomial, then SR(p) is a symbolic expression.


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