On Apr 20, 9:57 pm, "Justin C. Walker" <jus...@mac.com> wrote:
> On Apr 20, 2009, at 21:44 , Jeremy Huddleston wrote:


> > I downloaded the 10.5 ppc build of sage here:
> >http://www.sagemath.org/bin/apple_osx/powerpc/sage-3.4-PowerPC-OSX10....
> > After launching, I ran notebook(), but that failed because a bunch of
> > dylibs in the sage lib directory link against /usr/local/lib/libintl.
> > 3.dylib.  You should not be linking against anything in /usr/local as
> > that's not guaranteed to be on the user's system.
> Check your PATH environment variable.  If it contains '/usr/local/
> xxx', that is likely the problem.  With that setting, you are  
> permitting the system to to link against what is available in '/usr/
> local/lib'.
> Try rebuilding with a "minimal" PATH setting (i.e., remove anything  
> containing "/usr/local", "/sw", and "/opt").

The point is that this is *our* binary, i.e. whoever build it (I
assume William on the PPC box in the math department) needs to clean
up /usr/local.

I checked and there is no elegant way to turn of the use of libintl
and libiconv, but I can think of some sledge hammer ones :)

> Justin


> --
> Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon at Large
> Institute for the Absorption of Federal Funds
> -----------
> If it weren't for carbon-14, I wouldn't date at all.
> -----------
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