On Thu, 23 Apr 2009, mabshoff wrote:

> Sure, NTL might not be the best example here, but say matplotlib. We
> did not update to an svn release to make life harder for you, but
> because we needed a patch that was upstreamed and not easily
> rebasable. I think all the issue can and will be sorted out in the
> near future after 4.0, but the update to pari-svn will happen. Indeed,
> it is a surprise that it did not already happen and quite a few bits
> in Debian outside Sage do use the pari library, i.e. clisp has an
> optional pari module for example. And there is really no way around
> that since the stable pari release is buggy in many ways and upstream
> has also recommended to use svn. Indeed, in a recent email Karim
> Belabas has actually called the stable pari "pari stale". I am quite
> supportive of getting all issues you have resolved, but it seems
> rather hard to get this fixed. I guess you could have a pari-2.3.4.deb
> (just like there are two different python.debs AFAIK).

For libraries Debian often will have multiple versions that are available 
at a time in order to help with these transitions.  It has been done with 
programs like pari when necessary -- you just have two versions of the 
pari package that conflict with each other.  Generally something to be 
avoided if possible.

It sounds possible that Pari has internal disagreements about releasing 
that might justify this sort of thing, but I'd need to learn more.

        -Tim Abbott

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