On Thu, 23 Apr 2009, mabshoff wrote:

> I doubt this will ever happen. Soon for example we plan to switch to
> the svn version of pari which absolutely changes lots of things in
> Sage in non-backward compatible ways, so you cannot use the stable
> pari release with Sage any more. And given the timeframe the pari devs
> do releases this does not bode well for stable releases.

Well, how long after Sage switches to this version will it be before a 
stable pari release with these features comes out?  If we're talking 3-6 
months, this isn't a real problem.  If Sage were going with doing regular 
stable releases, then it would make sense to talk to the pari developers 
before upgrading to the SVN version and get a commitment from them that 
they'll do a release with those features within the next 3-6 months.  
Obviously we have no control over the pari developers so we would not be 
able to obtain guarantees, but it seems worth trying to obtain them.

This is probably a good example of the process I would use if I were 
managing the stable releases every 3-6 months.  When discussion comes up 
of upgrading an .spkg to an SVN version, we send a quick note to upstream 
asking if they are likely to do a release with the features we need within 
the appropriate timescale.  Similarly, when we add an ABI-changing patch 
against an upstream library, we should immediately send it upstream and 
ask whether they can commit to releasing with that functionality in the 
next 3 months.

> Also: NTL releases maybe once a year, often less frequent, so the next
> time we change something in the interface there won't be a release for
> some time. While we will upgrade to NTL 5.5 soon I am not sure it will
> be there in time for Sage 4.0.

How often does Sage need to patch a rarely releasing project like NTL?  
As far as I'm aware, Sage has only had one ABI-changing patch against NTL 
since I started working on Sage in Debian in November 2007.  Victor Shoup 
is a nice guy, I'm sure that we can convince him to do an extra release 
every couple years so that Sage can have its every-N-months major stable 
release work with a released version of NTL.

> The problem is that some upstream projects release slowly while others 
> are fast and do a point release when we submit a bugfix. One such 
> example is FLINT where I get an instant update when we fix something or 
> complain about a bug (i.e. see FLINT 1.2.3, 1.2.4, 1.2.5 the last two 
> weeks for build issues for example). I don't think there is any 
> reasonable way to guarantee that Sage will ship clean upstream every 3 
> or 6 months.  I am happy to try, but I don't want any rule since fixing 
> a bug in Sage takes precedence over packaging concerns for me any day.  
> Sorry.

Of course it will be the case that occasionally some upstream is really 
slow about releasing, and one has to just give up and move on.  As Jason 
Grout points out, even Debian runs SVN versions sometimes when upstream is 
being really bad about releasing.

But on the other side of this coin, I often find that when I contact a 
Sage upstream about a patch Sage has had against their software for 
several months that I want merged, they were completely unaware of the 
patch's existence.  Maybe I've been unlucky in my sampling, but I get the 
sense that Sage development does not currently react to merging a new 
ABI-changing patch with "we should send this upstream ASAP".

        -Tim Abbott

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