2009/6/2 davidloeffler <dave.loeff...@gmail.com>:
> On Jun 2, 4:35 pm, kcrisman <kcris...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Though I'll point out, for the sake of argument, that some of us have
>> such underpowered computers that even running full doctests is not
>> practical (i.e. everything times out), and given how long it takes to
>> build the documentation whenever I even upgrade, there could be
>> circumstances where this is also less practical.  Is there a way to
>> run the docbuild just on one file/one set of files?
> Upgrading forces a full rebuild of the documentation, but importing a
> new patch and rebuilding the documentation shouldn't - it should only
> build the files that have changed.
> What does force a complete rebuild is making a new branch with "sage -
> clone". This is annoying; I don't know enough about the build
> machinery to know if this can be changed.

I agree.  If I have built the docs in the main branch and make a
clone, it would be great of the docs were clones too, as then we would
only need to build the docs once per release.

I imagine this is easily doable by adapting the clone script.  If
people agree, could someone  make a ticket?


> David
> >

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