2009/6/24 Dr. David Kirkby <david.kir...@onetel.net>:
> Dr. David Kirkby wrote:
>> I think we should really make some effort to improve our page on Wikipedia.
> OK, based on some input from others, and what I found with Google, I
> have revised the 'Features* section somewhat (and only the Features to
> date).
> The current page is here (this might include edits by others. I would
> not be surprised if the two Wolfram Research employees go over it soon.)
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sage_(mathematics_software)
> What I wrote is here:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sage_(mathematics_software)&oldid=298394689
> The previous page is here, which was last edited by Cloudruns who I
> believe works for WRI, but he has never admitted it.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sage_(mathematics_software)&oldid=295406997
> The differences between the previous page (edited by Cloudruns) and the
> one I wrote is
> http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Sage_(mathematics_software)&diff=298394689&oldid=295406997
> Someone wrote the 'Description' does not cite any references. It might
> be better to delete that altogether, as it is basically covered in the
> section above it.
> It is still nowhere near as nice as the Mathematica page
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematica
> but hopefully a bit better than it was. Others please comment or edit

I think it looks very nice.  thanks!!

> it. It might be better if William does not, as it could be considered a
> conflict of interet. (Not that that stops the WRI guys!)
> Looking at the Mathematica page, the only real reference to most of
> functionality is the Mathematica documentation. We should make sure the
> documentation of Sage covers the areas I have put, as otherwise they
> might be deleted.
> One question, does the 'secure' notebook use HTTPS ? I assume it does,
> but did not write that in case it is not true.

Yes, it does.

 -- William

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