> >> I think the following is a counterexample to "The trac_ prefix does
> >> not bring any useful information."
> > I still think it's not really, and it is just making the name longer,
> > but I don't really care either.
> I don't see the use for it either, but it's not a huge issue for me.

I should explain my workflow, as I'm probably not the only person
doing this (e.g. Craig). When I'm managing releases is one thing, but
in daily practice, I always download patches to my home directory.
Think about it. Open a terminal, wget a patch, and this is what
happens. It's the easiest thing to do, and if everything starts with
trac_, then they're all in the same place. And it's only five
characters. Every once in a while, when I'm cleaning things out, it's
easier to find and delete all the trac patches, which as John points
out, is nice, since none of the other (proprietary) patches are killed
when I do this.

> I really like having the ticket number first, it makes it easy to see  
> (given an ordered list of patches) what patches belong as part of a  
> single ticket. E.g.
> 6201-heegner.patch
> 6201-referee-fixes.patch
> ...


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