On 2009-Jul-26 11:07:49 -0700, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Hi Sage-Devel (in particular, people who know about electrical circuits),

I'm not an EE but electronics is a hobby of mine.

>I just happen to be meeting with an undergrad tomorrow at Univ. of
>Washington about him possibly working with me, and he mentioned that
>he wrote the following himself
>                              http://www.circuitengine.com/

As a standalone tool, it looks good.

>He also said he may be interested in GPL'ing it, possibly getting
>something based on it into Sage (http://sagemath.org), etc.

IMHO, there are two distinct issues to address:
1) What benefits would Sage gain from having electronic circuit simulation
   facilities built into it?
2) Assuming Sage would benefit from circuit simulation, is CircuitEngine
   a good choice?

I don't think I'm in a position to offer useful input on the first question.

As for the second, without denigrating the effort Kevin has put into it,
I don't think CircuitEngine has a particularly wide range of features.
IMHO, something like SPICE would bea much better choice.

Peter Jeremy

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