On Wednesday 29 July 2009 01:28:08 David Kirkby wrote:
> 2009/7/28 jason <ja...@njkfrudils.plus.com>:
> > This issue of building mpir on freebsd64 has been fixed in release
> > 1.2.2 , which should be on the mpir main site in an hour or two. As
> > far as we are aware it should work on Suns , although on T2 , you
> > can't use the default linker with c++ and Suns cc , or at least that
> > used to be the case .
> Can you be more precise about the Sun issue? I found the mpir  version
> in Sage would not build on Solaris x86, but would on Solaris SPARC.
> Here are a few facts, which you might find helpful if you are not
> familiar with Suns and Solaris.
> 0)  Sun build machines based on both their own SPARC and Intel/AMD x86
> processors. SPARC and x86 processors are totally incompatible at the
> assembly code level, so if you write assembly code, you need to write
> different versions.
> However, well written 'user-land'  code writen in a high-level
> language should only need to be recompiled to run on x86 or SPARC
> hardware.
> 1) Sun provide a linker /opt/ccs/bin/ld which is installed with a full
> Solaris install.
> 2) Sun provide an assember /usr/ccs/bin/as which is installed with a
> full install of Solaris.
> 3) /opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc is a C compiler, not a C++ compiler.
> 4) /opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC  is a C++ compiler.
> 5) Neither /opt/SUNWspro/bin/cc (C compiler) or /opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC
> (C++ compiler) are installed by default. You have to install them.
> Downloading SunStudio (free) is the way to do that.
> 6) Recent versions of Solaris provide /usr/sfw/bin/gcc (C compiler)
> and /usr/sfw/bin/g++ (C++ compiler).  These are installed by default.
> 7) gcc on Solaris can be configured to use either the Sun or GNU
> linker and assembler. Different people configure GCC different ways,
> so you should not assume anything about the linker or assembler unless
> you test to see what gcc/g++ is using.
> 8) Sun do provide a GNU versions of a linker, as /usr/sfw/bin/gld
> Note the 'g' in front of the normal name for a linker.
> 9) Sun provide a GNU version of an assembler as /usr/sfw/bin/gas -
> again note the 'g'
> 10) In Solaris 10 update 7 (as used on 't2'), both /usr/sfw/bin/gcc
> and /usr/sfw/.bin/g++ use the Sun linker and assembler and ignore the
> GNU ones. But in general, you should not make assumptions about the
> linker or assembler.
> 11) Whilst the GNU and Sun compilers, assemblers and linkers share
> some options (compilers use -g for debugging), 95% of the options that
> can be used on the GNU tools can not be used on the Sun tools, and
> visa versa.
> Dave
We test on T2 , mark , mark2 , gcc54

I know T2 has changed since our last test (which was when we released 
mpir-1.2) , but our previous problems have been

On T2

./configure --enable-cxx
/home/jasonmoxham/mpir/mpir/trunk/mpirxx.h", line 3080: Error: Ambiguous 
partial specialization for __gmp_expr<__mpf_struct[1], 
__gmp_binary_expr<long, __gmp_expr<__mpf_struct[1], __mpf_struct[1]>, 
__gmp_binary_divides>>, __gmp_expr and __gmp_expr.
"/home/jasonmoxham/mpir/mpir/trunk/mpirxx.h", line 3080: Error: Ambiguous 
partial specialization for __gmp_expr<_

on gcc54  a c++ error ?

on mark ?
cc: Warning: -xarch=v9 is deprecated, use -m64 to create 64-bit programs ld: 
warning: file ../../.libs/libmpir.so: linked to /tmp/mark2/.libs/libmpir.so: 
attempted multiple inclusion of file

Now that T2 has been updated I will retest it , I use a script so I will try 
all possible combinations of linkers/compilers , as long as it takes < 1day
If there is too many combinations then I will have to prune them , clearly I 
will try a "all gnu" toolchain , "all sun" toochain , if there are any other 
common/usefull combinations then I can just add them to my script , and they 
will be always  be tested  from now on.


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