On 2009-Aug-01 20:22:09 +0100, Jason Moxham <ja...@njkfrudils.plus.com> wrote:
>So are you saying that the compilers on T2 are broken in 64bit mode ? or just 
>sage is broken ? or just mpir ? or dont we know?

Sun development tools treat Solaris as "primarily a 32-bit OS but you
can build 64-bit applications if you jump through the right hoops".
This differs from 64-bit versions of Linux and FreeBSD where the
toolchain builds 64-bit applications by default and you need to jump
through hoops to build 32-bit applications.

In my experience, actually building 64-bit applications on Solaris is
frustrating because configure scripts generally assume 32-bit and much
of the prebuilt freeware is 32-bit only.  It usually comes down to
telling an application to build in 64-bit mode and then when one of the
link steps blows up with the "wrong ELF class" error, working back to
find which dependency is wrong and why it didn't obey the "-m64" or

Peter Jeremy

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