Peter Jeremy wrote:
> On 2009-Jul-30 09:47:11 -0700, William Stein <> wrote:
>> "Lance Davis, the main project administrator for CentOS, a popular free
>> 'rebuild' of Red Hat's Enterprise Linux, appears to have gone AWOL.
> (He has since resurfaced and CentOS appears to be back to business as
> usual).
> As an alternative scenario, consider TWiki - an "open source" wiki
> created/founded by Peter Theony in 1998.  By 2008, it had built up
> a significant community of developers and was reasonably widely used.
> Peter Theony suddenly changed the rules and license and locked out
> existing developers who refused to agree to the new rules. See
> for more details.

Conflicts on open-source projects are not that uncommon. One does not 
have to look too hard in Sage to find developers of software X not 
exactly bosom buddies with developers of software Y. It's a shame 
really, but that seems to be a fact of life.

I was involved in a conflict myself over some open-source software.

But ultimately, Sage is released under GPL 2. If I, or anyone else did 
not like any rules William wanted to stick on Sage, I could simply say 
"Stuff you William, I have the source, it is GPL and I'm going to create 
my own fork."

If I believed such a thing was likely, I would not waste my time doing 
development on Sage. But conversely if it did happen, I would not feel 
cheated in any way. I know exactly what I'm doing when volunteering to 
work on Sage development.

>> Anyway, I would appreciate people sharing their thoughts about how to make
>> the Sage project more organized with respect to key people vanishing --
>> either temporarily or permantly -- from the project.  If you have relevant
>> experience with other projects, or no of good articles about this sort of
>> thing, etc., please share.
> The approach used by FreeBSD is for most functions to be handled by
> teams, rather than individuals:  The overall direction of the Project
> is managed by the core team - 9 people elected by and from the
> committers (people with write access to the FreeBSD source repository).
> Release engineering is another team (mostly self-selected).  The
> Project's assets (trademark, domain name etc) are held by the FreeBSD
> Foundation - a not-for-profit legal entity that can accept donations
> and fund development and advocacy.

I think Apache is like that. It seems to work well - Apache has been a 
very successful project. I doubt they are without their disputes though.
> Also, a recent thread suggests that there are confidential agreements
> in place between the Sage Project (presumably represented by William
> Stein) and some Sage users.  There needs to be some mechanism in place
> to ensure that the content of those agreements can be accessed by
> William's successor in the event of William's departure.

You do raise an interesting question. I assume many would be convered by 
agreements in the university though.

I personally don't have a big problem with any of this.

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