Dear William,
Dear Sage-devel,

On Jul 30, 12:47 pm, William Stein <> wrote:
> That said, I think it would be really beneficial for people
> involved with Sage to think through other scenarios and come up with a way
> to make our project more robust.   For example, what if *I* was AWOL for a
> while?    

Well, I think that if, someday, you know you want to go AWOL for a
while, you should think about it a long time before. Something like a
year before. You should make sure that all the knowledge you have
(right access to all the tools AND how to use them) have been shared
to people in the community.

> There are about 3-4 other people with admin privileges on most of
> our hardware resources, and they are physically in the UW math department
> server room (so professionally hosted and unaffected by me being AWOL).  The
> DNS stuff ( is all 100% admin'd by me via, so I
> should find a way to fix things so that if somebody else needs to manage the
> DNS stuff that is possible (any volunteers -- Harald?).
> Anyway, I would appreciate people sharing their thoughts about how to make
> the Sage project more organized with respect to key people vanishing --
> either temporarily or permantly -- from the project.  If you have relevant
> experience with other projects, or no of good articles about this sort of
> thing, etc., please share.

I was involved in the Fédération québécoise d'ultimate (frisbee) in
the last two years and as a President for the last one until May 2009.
Since I knew I was not going to renew my mandate, I was thinking a lot
in all that year about how will the FQU continue its evolution without
me. I must say here that the way I developped the FQU was a lot
influenced by the Sage organizational structure and also by opinions
written on sage-devel by the main developpers. I especially include
here Michael Abshoff who always valued dicussions done openly on sage-
devel instead of hidden in an email between two developpers. This is
what allowed me to learn a lot about Sage and to eventually give back
to Sage. I followed this principle for FQU by adding the executive
committee or the quebec ultimate associations in CC to every single
email I was writting as a president. This is a very efficient way to
share the information (and also some values and vision
sage-main-developpers do on sage-devel) to the community. When people
know what is happening, they can, months or years later, become
involved and help...

Open communication is good for the community growth but this is the
base of the pyramide. Other things must be done at the top of the
pyramide (like passwords for admin) and those will not really be seen
on a list like sage-devel. I don't know how it is done for Sage, but
for FQU, I made sure to share the rights to more than me (the blog, google calendars, google docs, files on ftp servers,
mailling lists, and others) and made sure that those people are able
to use those tools.

I saw yesterday that there is a wiki page about the Release
Management. This is very nice. This makes me think that I could become
the Release Manager one day in the next year or later. The more people
are able to do the Release Management and other job high level in the
pyramid, the less we will suffer from a Release Manager or a high-sage-
developper that leaves.

So, dear William Stein, how much do you know that nobody else know?!

Sébastien Labbé
PhD Student
LaCIM, UQAM, Montréal

> Thanks!
>    -- William
> --
> William Stein
> Associate Professor of Mathematics
> University of Washington
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