
On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 9:27 PM, William Stein<wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> ----------
>> sage: f(x) = function('f',x)
>> sage: f(x).integral(x)
>> integrate(f(x), x)
>> sage: f(x).integral(x^2)
>> x^2*f(x)
>> -----------
> Indeed, what does that mean?  If forced to, I would interpret this as
>   int f(x) d(x^2)  = int f(x) 2 x dx
>                         = 2x integrate(f(x),x)
> So I think the Sage/Maxima answer of x^2*f(x) is bizarre.
> Matheamatica just considers this input to be invalid:
> sage: mathematica.eval('Integrate[f[x],x^2]')
>                                                              2
> Integrate::ilim: Invalid integration variable or limit(s) in x .
>                         2
>        Integrate[f[x], x ]
> Unless you can give a explanation of what you want integrating wrt x^2
> to mean, I think we should also raise an error in Sage.

I tried that input out of curiosity during testing. I was expecting
a TypeError but instead I got an answer !!

I agree, we should raise an error. Ironically,  in "calculus.py" the raise
error line (556) has been commented out for some reason.
    elif not is_SymbolicVariable(v):
        v = var(repr(v))
        #raise TypeError, 'must integrate with respect to a variable'


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