
Getting back on my late sage e-mails ...

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 11:25:50PM -0700, William Stein wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 10:43 PM, Robert
> Bradshaw<rober...@math.washington.edu> wrote:
> >  What I'd rather see is something like
> >
> > sage: R = Zmod(6)
> > sage: K = categories.Fields(R, check=False) # any ring R
> > sage: K
> >  Ring of integers modulo 6 as a field.
> > sage: K.is_field()
> >   True
> >
> > where all other methods are inherited via dynamically.
> That would be pretty cool.  I'm not sure if I like
> sage: K = categories.Fields(R, check=False)
> since it could be hard for me to remember.   That said, it does fit
> the "Sage/Magma" design philosophy pretty nicely, and is a natural way
> to use coercions and categories.


        sage: R = Zmod(6)
        sage: R.set_category(Fields())    # or maybe better 
        sage: R in Fields()
        sage: assert R in Fields()

This avoids cluttering each sage object with an is_bla method which
might refer to a completely unrelated category bla. Also, this handles
automatically the inheritance of category (so that stating that R is
in Fields imposes that it also is a division ring, ...).

Now, to what `x in Y` should return. That's a general problem, that we
also often encounter in our enumerated sets. For example, in generic
code, it's often natural to write:

        sage: assert x in Y

But what if containment test is expensive/indecidable/not implemented?
In the use case above, we would like the assertion to just be ignored.

In MuPAD, we had taken advantage of the available three-valued logic
(TRUE / FALSE / UNKNOWN), to write:

        sage: assert x in Y = TRUE

which is pretty similar to the suggestion of using None for UNKNOWN
(without the peculiarities of `None` and its disadvantages that
William pointed out).

In fact, most of this kind of type checking was done by specifying the
types of the arguments of a procedure:

        MuPAD: proc(R: Rings()) ...

which resulted down the road to an assertion check as above.

The downside is that there is no way to specify how hard one wants to
do a containment test.

Altogether, I would vote for something along the lines:

        sage: x in Y

        returns True or False if provable; raises an exception in all other 

        sage: Y.__contains__(x, proof = False)

        returns a best guess, or raises an exception

        sage: x.hopefully_in(Y)                      # find a better name!

        Try in turn Y.__contains__(x, proof = False) and Y.__contains__(x)

        Return False if the first returned False, or if the first raised and 
the second returned False
        Return True in all other situations (exception, ...).

Allowing altogether for:

        sage: assert x.hopefully_in(Y)

Programmatically speaking, it might be easier to use something like
Y._contains_probabilist(x) rather then Y.__contains__(x, proof =
False); this plays better with inheritance.

More thoughts on demand!

Nicolas M. Thiéry "Isil" <nthi...@users.sf.net>

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