Jonathan wrote:
> Bug fixes and code changes are documented with some more detail in the
> file that can be found in the source code in the
> directory src/org/jmol/viewer.
> We try pretty hard not to change historical behavior unless it is
> determined to be erroneous, so new versions usually work as drop-in
> replacements for older versions, unless you are relying on erroneous
> behavior.  An example I encountered was that I was depending on Jmol
> loading molecular orbitals and associating them with the wrong
> molecular structure from a particular data file type.  When that was
> fixed, I had to rewrite my  web page that used those orbitals.

Thanks for your input!

> There are a number of things I would like to see about the way Jmol
> shows up in SAGE.  It would be nice to have some buttons next to the
> window that do things like turn on spinning and allow some zoom
> facility (ideally smart enough to recalculate if necessary).  These
> wouldn't be too hard to do, but I don't really understand how (or
> where) in the notebook code the Jmol stuff is fed to the web browser.
> After the notebook is separated out, if somebody can give me some
> direction, I'd be willing to look at the generation of the <div> that
> contains Jmol.

I tried messing with this briefly, trying to up the memory allocated so 
that I could get more than 11 plots on a screen.  Only having 11 is a 
pretty bad limitation for a calculus 3 worksheet on 3d functions :).  I 
didn't have any success, though; I still have a 64Mb limitation that 
quickly runs out.

For now, the code is in 
$SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage/sage/server/notebook/  I don't know where it 
will be in William's new notebook.

It would be *fantastic* if we could have better interaction with the 3d 
plots.  You can turn on spinning by the right-click menu, and zooming 
with the mouse works too.  I think it would be really fun to be able to 
pick points out in the 3d plot and have it do something (like talk back 
to the server in an interact, giving the coordinates of what you picked).

I was looking at the contour lines/planes.  I wish we could employ that 
to get contour cut planes for a scalar field.

Also, I'd really, really like to get some sort of mesh for 
pmesh/isosurfaces that looks like the black lines on contour plots 
rather than the light blue lines that currently show when the mesh is 
on.  In fact, what I'd really love to see is arbitrary mesh functions, 
similar to what is implemented in a worksheet here: (see 
for a picture).  I think Mathematica has a nice interface to these sorts 
of things:

We (Sage) can take care of the interface to draw meshes.  What we'd need 
from jmol is the ability to draw a line *on* a surface and have it look 
like the contour lines look like on a plane (maybe by somehow specifying 
the edges of triangles that the line crosses, and at what place to put 
the point of the edge?)  The problem now is that we need to draw really 
thick lines so that the surface doesn't mask the line on one side or the 


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