On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 6:45 PM, Kwankyu <ekwan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I thought of this idea. How about including the manuals (and/or
> tutorials and/or references) of all (perhaps not all but almost all)
> the (enduser) components of Sage into Sage? Or maintain a repository
> site of all the manuals such that the user can access them easily from
> the Sage notebook? If this is to violate the licenses of those
> components, how about keeping all the links to the manuals along with
> the Sage reference manual?
> For example, I may use the Sage notebook to teach how to use latex to
> students. Then it will be very convenient if I can bring up the latex
> manual (or reference) right away.
> This is a quick thought, so might be a crazy idea... Then please tell
> me why it is not feasible.

It is totally feasible.  It hasn't happened only because nobody has
done it.   I think the only good reasonable longterm way to do this
would be to modify the spkg-install for each and every package so that
it installs documentation for that package into
$SAGE_LOCAL/doc/pkgname.   This way when one upgrades a package, one
will also upgrade the corresponding docs.   We would not require that
doc be built from source though.   An extra advantage of this approach
is that you can start small -- just start with a single spkg and work
your way to others over time.

The other approach is for one person to just try to download random
docs from all over the web for every component of Sage.  This has
happened before, and it results in a massive spkg, which is
immediately out of date, and nobody maintains.  Here's the last such


 -- William

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