On Sat, Oct 17, 2009 at 3:11 AM, Maurizio <maurizio.gran...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't understand: which is the difference between this codenode and
> our new notebook?

They are almost entirely different projects.     I think the Sage
notebook overal has far more features (e.g., @interact, 3d plotting
integration, tinymce, etc.), but Codenode is built on top of Django,
has folders, and much of the architectural choices are different.   It
is also definitely not the case that either project is in any way a
fork of the other.

>  Did we manage to get two brand new (but different)
> notebooks at the precisely same moment?

Our "new notebook" is just an evolutionary improvement to the existing
notebook, which involved separating it out from Sage itself and
rewriting the worksheet process interface, the storage backend, and a
few other things.

> This would be good in some
> sense, but also bad, if you know what I mean for avoiding waste of
> efforts

I don't think any of the effort on either web app is wasted.  For
example, I am currently reading through the codenode source code for
ideas right now.    Very soon, we will release a BSD-licensed version
of the Sage notebook so that all the Codenode developers can do the
same!  (They recently switched to BSD from GPL, so they can't read/use
our code.)

I think the best way to view the situation is like the situation with
"vim" and "emacs".  Surely you would not consider it bad that both vim
and emacs are continually improved.  I use both vim and emacs
regularly, and I'm really glad they are both available.

Also, I believe that in any industry/software project/etc., without
some other project doing something at least similar, there will be a
tendency to not innovate so much.  I think having both the codenode
and sagenb project be very healthy is the best situation to encourage
innovation.   I hope everybody reading this will be highly supportive
of both projects.

 -- William

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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