David Joyner wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 7:31 PM, Jason Grout
> <jason-s...@creativetrax.com> wrote:
> ...
>> What about nintegrate/nintegral?  We don't have these now (as top-level
>> functions), but they would mirror nicely the integral/integrate
>> commands.  Should we only define one of them?
> Is integral_numerical a possibility (for those who like tab-completions)?
> There are a lot of commands which don't play nice with tab-completion
> (eg, matrix_plot) but it is nice if we could at least add this as an alias.
> Also, a former colleague liked Maple's choice of designing the syntax
> of integral
> and that of plot (and the 3d versions) to be very similar. That way a
> student could compute an area and plot the area with roughly the same
> syntax. Does that seem reasonable?

I used to be concerned about the naming conventions not playing nicely 
with tab completion.  However, previous conversations about this 
convinced me of this: rather than twist our naming conventions to be 
unnatural English, I'd rather make our tab-completion system smarter. 
For example, I'd rather have something like shift-tab give all 
completions that contain the word (as opposed to tab giving all 
completions starting with the word).  Would that satisfy you too?  Then 
a student could just type:


and get a list of all accessible functions containing the word 
"integral", similar to what we'd get if we just typed:


at the command line.



Jason Grout

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