Vincent Delecroix wrote:
> Hi,
> As you probably knows, Sage is also a company (
> It provides financial or buisness software solution. In particular,
> the name "Sage" is a registered trademark at the Patent Office (UK)
> under the number 2387 (?). It concerns any software dealing with
> comptability and finance.
> The french foundation framasoft ( was in
> trouble with them in 2006 because of the publication of a notice
> concerning an extension of Firefox named "Sage" (to read RSS). The
> company wrote to them to clear the notice. But the law was not on the
> company side because the registration concerned only "financial
> software" ! (read the story in french at
> or
> What about SAGE for mathematics (there is a finance module) ? What is
> the interaction between the  registered name by the company and the
> GPL ?

I see this is a future issue. I recall viewing one of the Mathematica seminars 
(many available free online) and seeing a pie chart showing Mathematica's usage 
in different areas. Finance was the single largest sector on that graph.

A look on job sites for jobs requiring Mathematica skills, seems to indicate 
that the very few such jobs, are indeed mainly in finance. (Perhaps they are 
only industries able to afford the software!!)

The GPL does not stop someone selling a finance module for Sage. Legal issues 
with the company Sage might well do. So this could be an unfortunate 

Personally, I think this is only a matter of WHEN this happens, NOT if it 
happens. Of course, it's unlikely anyone will ever be able to prove that 
statement wrong!

Renaming the project might not be popular, but it might be the best long-term 
solution to once and for all put an end to any worries.

Note also, that any legal view of this would need to take into account a global 
view, not just the USA.


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