I've tried to build Sage on Open Solaris on my Sun Ultra 27 (3.33 GHz Intel 
Xeon) and have a few problems.

The biggest headache seems to be the OpenSSL libraries. First they are not 
shipped with Sage due to license issues. But neither do suitable libraries 
as part of Open Solaris. They must be downloaded and built.

By default on Open Solaris, the OpenSSL lbiraries are built 64-bit. They pass 
all tests in 64-bit mode.

If I try to force a 32-bit build of the OpenSSL libraries, they build, but fail 
tests. I've asked on the OpenSSL mailing list how I can get a 32-bit library, 
but so far have not got a response.

Then when I thought about it more, I do not know if its worth the hassle. Why 
not simply ask the user to export SAGE64 to "yes" on Open Solaris, and forget 
about a 32-bit build?

We could force 64-bit by default, but in that case having a SAGE32 environment 
variable would be very useful, as gcc tends to be less buggy on Solaris in 
32-bit mode than it does in 64-bit mode.

It would really really help if


could get a positive review and be integrated into Sage asap. Two people have 
looked at it, and both agree it is OK. The scripts are not actually called in 
any part of Sage, so it is hard to see how it can break Sage if the scripts are 
not used. But by using them, we could make compiler options a lot less hassle.

I'm reluctant to go around endless .spkg files making sure the -m64 option is 
added if SAGE64 is set to "yes", when I'm aware there is a much easier way. We 
should simply:

1) Determine what compiler is in use by the use of the scripts in #7505
2) Set CFLAGS to have the appropriate option for a 64-bit build in sage-env if 
SAGE64 is set to "yes". That will be -m64 with Sun Studio or GCC, but will be 
different for other compilers.
3) Remove all the SAGE64 junk from every spkg-install, because:
  * It's unnecessary duplication
  * Currently has a mix of those that only work on OS X and those that work on 
Solaris, and those that only work on OS X.
  * It's incorrect to assume the flag to build 64-bit code will always be -m64, 
as some compilers use a different flag.


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