Alex Ghitza wrote:

> This is not the case in Archlinux.  I have a 32-bit machine and a 64-bit
> machine, and for both of them the fortran library is at
> /usr/lib/

I do not know anything about ArchLinux. But is your 64-bit machine capable of 
making 32-bit executables? The point is on Solaris, there would be two versions 
of the library, as one can make both 32 and 64-bit binaries on the same system. 
Clearly if your ArchLinux is limited to 64-bits only, then it will not apply.

> Also, I think that /path/to/fortran/libs/ is making a (maybe too
> subtle?) suggestion that the user check where the appropriate fortran
> libraries are on his/her own system.  Maybe this point should just be
> emphasised in the README.txt (e.g. something along the lines "it is
> important to ensure that you give the path to the correct fortran
> libraries").

Yes, I think that needs stressing.

> Best,
> Alex

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