On 5 Feb, 04:07, John H Palmieri <jhpalmier...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Feb 3, 11:33 pm, Dr David Kirkby <drkir...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Than you for finding this error John. It's strange, I never se this on
> > Solaris myself, though William says he has seen it before on Linux.
> > IHopefully, this bug can be squashed, though it is not as serious as
> > the one which is stopping Sage building on Solaris. I could image I
> > could have wasted a lot of time on this, if it was intermittant, but
> > under the false impression is was introduced under one of the 5 or so
> > tickets merged, though as William says, this is perhaps a new
> > invocation of it. Anyway,once my build has finished, I'll see whether
> > I get the error, then try your patch.
> Here's the situation, as far as I understand it: in versions from
> around August 2009 up to and including 4.3.0, the first time you would
> execute a graph theory command, say graphs.CompleteGraph(2), it would
> call kpsewhich.  If you didn't have a tex installation, it would
> probably print the error message. (I always have tex installed, and I
> rarely use graph theory, so I wasn't going to see this unless I made a
> real effort.) Version 4.3.1 (and also included a patch
> which ended up calling graphs.CompleteGraph(2) when Sage started up
> (as the default value of an optional argument of a function imported
> in sage.all), and this is what was going on with the t2 build.
> Somewhere in the 4.3.2 development, a patch got put in that deferred
> the call to graphs.... until needed, so the message went away until
> you ran a graph theory function.  That's why I didn't see it when I
> tried reproducing it with 4.3.2.alpha2 on my Mac.
> --
> John

Thank you for the explanation. It makes perfect sence.

I did inded see this in  immediately I started Sage. I
can understand why some would have sen this in the past too, though
not every time as now.


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