I'm glad that CHomP is going in and that there is work being done on
it.  Even though it doesn't need a vote, feel free to add me as a
reviewer to any related tickets.  I've meant to look in to adding it
and other things related to dynamical systems for a long time and
haven't had the time (e.g. PyDSTool, AUTO).


On Feb 18, 5:56 pm, John H Palmieri <jhpalmier...@gmail.com> wrote:
> CHomP is a free (GPL version 2) software package for computing
> homology (CHomP stands for Computation Homology Project.)  See
> chomp.rutgers.edu for some more information.  I've prepared an
> experimental spkg for it:
> http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/palmieri/SPKG/chomp-20100213.spkg
> If you successfully install it, it will put programs "homchain",
> "homcubes", and "homsimpl" in SAGE_LOCAL/bin; these compute homology
> of, respectively, chain complexes, cubical complexes, and simplicial
> complexes, and they're much faster than what's currently in Sage for
> homology computations.  I've gotten this to compile without difficulty
> on an Intel Mac running OS X 10.6 as well as on sage.math.  I haven't
> tried any other platforms, mainly because I don't have easy access to
> them.  If people could try installing it, that would be great.
> It would be nice if it were included as an experimental spkg, for
> download from the official Sage sites.  I think we need to vote on
> this.  Opinions?
> If you've managed to compile it and you want to see it in action, you
> have several choices: run "tar jxf" on the spkg and look in the
> "examples" directory.  Alternatively, you can download this patch for
> the Sage library:
> http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/palmieri/misc/Cell_complexes.patch
> This implements lots of things, but one of them is an interface to
> CHomP: if CHomP is present, Sage will automatically use it to compute
> homology groups.  CHomP can't handle rational coefficients, so you can
> see difference in timings this way.  On my iMac:
> sage: T = simplicial_complexes.Torus()
> sage: X = T.product(T)
> sage: time X.homology()  # uses CHomP
> CPU times: user 0.35 s, sys: 0.04 s, total: 0.39 s
> Wall time: 0.92 s
> {0: 0, 1: Z x Z x Z x Z, 2: Z^6, 3: Z x Z x Z x Z, 4: Z}
> sage: X = T.product(T)
> sage: time X.homology(base_ring=QQ)  # doesn't use CHomP
> CPU times: user 16.88 s, sys: 0.18 s, total: 17.06 s
> Wall time: 17.66 s
> ...
> (CHomP also can't compute cohomology, so that's another way of seeing
> timing differences.)  CHomP will also compute generators in homology,
> whereas the Sage version doesn't do this: do
> X.homology(generators=True).
> --
> John

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