> Shameless plug: there is some work in progress in that direction,
> providing a standard architecture for implementing a quotient or
> subobject A of an existing parent B. I can't promise when it will be
> ready for integration into Sage, but we will be using it intensively
> soon. In short, the idea is that a new parent A just needs to provide
> a lift and retract map to/from B, and declare itself in the category
> Blahs().Quotients() (or Blahs().Subobjects()), and it will get for
> free default implementations for all the operations of the category
> Blahs(), by mean of lift and retract.
> http://combinat.sagemath.org/hgwebdir.cgi/code/file/tip/sage/categories/subquotients.py
> This sure does not solve all the issues, like how to best implement
> the lift and retract functions; which data structure to use for
> elements of the quotient, etc. But at least should get some
> trivialities out of the way.
> Also, for the record: I spent some time during Sage Days 20 discussing
> with Tobias Columbus, and he has taken on the project of implementing
> and/or improving the free objects for the classical categories like
> monoids, groups, abelian groups, algebras, ... There will be shortly a
> discussion on the topic on sage-combinat-devel.

To me "combinat" is short for "combinatorics", which is different from
what I do (number theory, and more generally algebra).  I certainly
did not realise when the combinat people joined Sage how useful they
and what they do would be for people like me!  (This is supposed to be
a compliment).

But I get the impression that quite a lot of discussion about design
in this area is happening in sage-combinat, which it never occurred to
me to join (since I don't do cominatorics).  Would it be better to
have another discussion group for (say) sage-algebra?  Or is it
impossible to separate what I think of as algebra with the rest of
what goes in in sage-combinat?


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