Hi folks,

I apologize for this belated celebration note.

March 24th of each year is observed as Ada Lovelace Day [1]. It is an
international celebration of the achievements of women in science and
technology. The daughter of the English poet Lord Byron, Ada Lovelace
is recognized as the first computer programmer due to her work on
Charles Babbage’s analytical engine. Sage contributor Christoper Olah
has written a blog post [2] celebrating the women who have enriched
his creative, social, and technical experiences. I would like to take
this opportunity to acknowledge women who contribute in wide-ranging
capacities to the Sage project. So without further ado, here they are.

* Alyson Deines — Unfortunately, I have no record of Alyson’s
contribution to Sage. The only record I could find is ticket #5380,
which mentions that Alyson has contributed to Sage. However, the
ticket does not specify in any way what Alyson’s contributions are. I
would be glad if someone could point out her contributions.

* Amy Glen — Amy has contributed to the combinatorics module of Sage
through her work on SageWords.

* Anne Schilling — Anne is an active member of the Sage-Combinat team.
She has contributed substantial code to the combinat codebase,
especially through her work on crystals.

* Emily Kirkman — Emily has contributed substantial code and
documentation to the graph theory module. Whenever you visualize a
graph using Sage, you have Emily to thank for the visually appealing
layout of graph theoretic structures.

* Jennifer Balakrishnan — Jennifer’s contribution include a LaTeX mode
for the Magma interface. Her work on the number theory module includes
new code on computation of p-adic heights and Coleman integration.

* Jenny Cooley — Through her Summer scholarship at the University of
Warwick, Jenny contributed new code to Sage’s elliptic curves module.
In particular, she implemented elliptic curve isogenies and summarized
her work in a poster session during October 2009.

* Joanna Gaski — During her time as an undergraduate at the University
of Washington, Joanna contributed new code to the combinatorics
module. Her work allows Sage to interface with the online Sloane
database of integer sequences to query the Sloane sequence A000008.

* Kate Minola — Kate has provided substantial feedback and suggestions
on Sage’s early build and automated testing systems. Many of her bug
reports and constructive feedback played the critical role of making
Sage’s build system portable across the Unix family of operating

* Maite Aranes — Maite has contributed substantial new code to the
modular forms and number theory modules of Sage. Her wide-ranging
contributions include bug reports on these modules as well as new code
for cusps over number fields, Manin symbols over number fields,
enhancing the reduction modulo ideals of number fields, and many
utility functions relating to number fields.

* Mariah Lenox — Mariah is known within the Sage community as the
person who administers the Skynet network of computers. It is the
timely access to these machines for automated building and testing
that have played a critical role in the stability of Sage and its
portability across the Unix family of operating systems. Mariah has
also provided constructive feedback on Sage’s documentation.

I hope I have not left anyone out. Feel free to add any contributions
I have left out. The above originally appeared on my blog [3]. I
thought I should post it here so that people within the Sage community
would join me in the celebration.

[1] http://findingada.com

[2] http://christopherolah.wordpress.com/2010/03/25/ada-lovelace-day/

[3] http://mvngu.wordpress.com/2010/03/25/happy-ada-lovelace-day/

Minh Van Nguyen

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