On 30 April 2010 01:43, kcrisman <kcris...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Moved from 
> http://groups.google.com/group/sage-release/browse_thread/thread/e7d692cb7859162e
> on sage-release:
> On Apr 29, 6:32 pm, Dan Drake <dr...@kaist.edu> wrote:
>> On Thu, 29 Apr 2010 at 08:46AM -0700, kcrisman wrote:
>> > It would be interesting to see what happens in your make log for R.
>> > Do you have /usr/include/X11/Xwindows.h ?  That is what the spkg-
>> > install uses as a check for whether to build R with PNG support.  Note
>> > that R should work well otherwise, just that the graphics won't
>> > work.
>> I checked another build of alpha2, this one on a regular desktop Ubuntu
>> machine, and it doesn't have Xwindows.h, although it does have X and
>> Gnome and so on. So that machine saw the same test failures as the
>> server machine.
> Maybe we should just *always* build it with X support except on Mac?
> But presumably it needs some X library to connect to to do that...?

sphg-install in R has numerous problems. Someone updated it which
caused major hassles on Solaris, with more fallout on Linux. They
obviously did not read the documentation, or notice the warnings
generated by unknown options passed to the configure script

I'm aware the method that was (is) used to build X is stupid. I fixed
this for Solaris, but whoever implemented it was using the wrong

I created


to highlight some of the issues.


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