> > Maybe we should just *always* build it with X support except on Mac?
> > But presumably it needs some X library to connect to to do that...?
> sphg-install in R has numerous problems. Someone updated it which
> caused major hassles on Solaris, with more fallout on Linux. They
> obviously did not read the documentation, or notice the warnings
> generated by unknown options passed to the configure script
> I'm aware the method that was (is) used to build X is stupid. I fixed
> this for Solaris, but whoever implemented it was using the wrong
> approach.
> I created
> http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/8274
> to highlight some of the issues.

Yes, I think that's appeared elsewhere on the list, and I for one
appreciate your thoroughness.  My fear is that the someone who did
much of the install script is someone who is no longer working with
Sage. My own goal with R has been to improve our support of it in the
ways I can; unfortunately, that doesn't extend to the issues you or
Dan mention :(   I would point out that (other than the iconv issue,
which ended up being a bonus for Sage thanks to your work) all the
recent changes have been improvements, not regressions :)

So that said, it would be great for someone who actually knows
something about configuring and building (other than Dave, who has
already put in far more work on it than we could reasonably expect)
could look at that install script and compare it with the R
documentation.  But since we have relatively few active developers who
use R through Sage on a daily basis (at least, it seems so from the
lists), it may take a while to find someone.  I'm cc:ing John Verzani,
who has previously interacted with Sage and was quite helpful on the
latest plotting update, in case he has any ideas of an R devel who is
knowledgeable about such things and also supportive enough of OSS in
general to perhaps spend some time looking at it.  We can hope!

- kcrisman

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