On May 19, 2010, at 4:41 AM, Bill Hart wrote:

On 19 May, 04:24, Robert Bradshaw <rober...@math.washington.edu>
On May 18, 2010, at 5:17 PM, Paulo César Pereira de Andrade wrote:

2010/5/18 Bill Hart <goodwillh...@googlemail.com>:
So what do you suggest as a solution then?

 Peace and Love!

 That being said, people work better when there is competition. As
long as there is "balance in power", and mutual respect/trust, things
should just work. But that is something that even with infinite
multiple precision, probably cannot be resolved with just math :-)

There can be amicable forks (e.g. Pyrex/Cython), but like you said it
takes mutual respect and trust. There is certainly a lack of trust on
both sides, as well as lack of respect, and it'd be nice if that all
went away but that's easier said than done (especially with the
personalities in question).

OK, I can take a hint.

That's not what I meant at all--I'm just saying that we live in a less than ideal world we may have to live with a non-amicable relationship. Most forks by their nature (including fully justified ones), evoke hard feelings. Given the history, I think it's totally justified to not trust Torbjorn (I don't), and he's certainly done little to earn respect. And we can't change his attitude towards any of us. That's just the way things are right now.

Doesn't mean we can't keep pressing forward. One of the goals of MPIR is to create a friendlier community, and that is something you do have control over (and have done).

It seems that MPIR and the bignum community in general would be better off without me.

I disagree.

I'm going to give it a rest for a while and let some other people give it a go.

I'll concentrate on some other research/projects for a few years.

Given that you're the primary force behind MPIR, I think that would be a loss for all of us, but if you're burnt out or want to move on of course thats your choice (and I'm probably only seeing the tip of the iceburg here).

- Robert

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