On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 11:52 AM, William Stein <wst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Why?   Consider that we *already* successfully conditionally patch
> files without using patch at all... and this works for every spkg
> included in Sage.

Right, but it's all managed by hand.  Once you start making automating
things, then they have to be standardized.  For example, should every
patch get its own directory for the files that it touches?  If A.patch
and B.patch both change setup.py, then you'll need to put those
patched setup.py files somewhere.  What if you need the changes from
both A.patch and B.patch applied, would such a system automatically
make another version of setup.py with both those patches applied?

It seems like a way more complicated solution than what's needed.

We can also just have the patch.spkg "exit 0" if the patch is already installed.


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