On 3 July, 14:11, Simon King <simon.k...@nuigalway.ie> wrote:
> Hi!
> This is related with #5618.
> In Sage, one can have two different cyclotomic fields, namely when the
> variable names differ:
> sage: K.<z> = CyclotomicField(3)
> sage: L.<y> = CyclotomicField(3)
> sage: K == L
> False

They may compare as unequal, but because they have a canonical
embedding into CC, the coercion model knows how to pass between them:

sage: L.has_coerce_map_from(K)
sage: y in K
sage: z in L

> I see different possibilities to cope with that mess:
> 1. In the Sage methods that rely on GAP's cyclotomic methods,
> construct a cyclotomic field explicitly, rather than gap(K). An
> example of an offensive method occurs in #5618. This doesn't sound
> proper to me: It is likely to involve many special cases.
> 2. If K is a cyclotomic field, let gap(K) be a cyclotomic field.
> Sounds logical, but it is likely to break existing code, one would
> have K!=L but gap(K)==gap(L), and one couldn't choose generator names.

I'd advocate (2), with all cyclotomic fields (of given order) in Sage
corresponding to the same one in Gap. I doubt this would be much of a
problem with breaking existing code given the coercion thing I
mentioned above.


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