The idea that Sage persons should re-implement something in Python or
Cython is based on a notion that there is a problem with existing and
(apparently) working code, because it is written in an
(allegedly) unsuitable implementation language.  Furthermore,  this
notion also extends to a claim that this problem can be remedied by
assigning this procedure to an (apparently) inexperienced programmer
who is  (apparently) not necessarily mathematically well-versed, and
has limited time (e.g. summer) to do the job.

Yet even "easy" tasks like multiplying polynomials  can require some
subtlety to do fast.

And "difficult" tasks like (say) symbolic integration fail to have
even one entirely adequate implementation to use as a model.

Using other peoples' programs is, of course, not such a great idea if
those programs are buggy, but
distributing your own programs with bugs is not really much of an

Just my few cents.


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