On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 6:37 PM, Bill Hart <goodwillh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Aug 30, 8:51 pm, Robert Bradshaw <rober...@math.washington.edu>
> wrote:
>> On Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 1:56 AM, Tim Daly <d...@axiom-developer.org> wrote:
>> > tl;dr old curmudgeon flaming on about the dead past, not "getting it" about
>> > Sage.
>> > Robert Bradshaw wrote:
>> >> In terms of the general rant, there are two points I'd like to make.
>> >> The first is that there's a distinction between the Sage library
>> >> itself and the many other spkgs we ship. By far the majority of your
>> >> complaints have been about various arcane spgks. Sage is a
>> >> distribution, and we do try to keep quality up, but it's important to
>> >> note that much of this software is not as directly under our control,
>> >> and just because something isn't as good as it could be from a
>> >> software engineering perspective doesn't mean that it won't be
>> >> extremely useful to many people.  Even if it has bugs. We try to place
>> >> the bar high for getting an spkg in but blaming the Sage community for
>> >> poor coding practices in external code is a bit unfair. I hold the
>> >> Sage library itself to a much higher standard.
>> > The point that "software is not as directly under our control" is not 
>> > really
>> > valid.
>> > This is a *design* decision of Sage, not a necessary evil. Sage 
>> > specifically
>> > chose
>> > to build on dozens of other pieces of software.
>> I think reusing the large body of existing code is a necessary evil to
>> achieve our goals. Unfortunately, I think it is also a huge source of
>> problems, and we can all agree the code is of varying quality (some of
>> it's great, some is not so much...).
>> > Once you make spkg functionality part of Sage functionality, you own it.
>> To fully "own" the code we need to either (1) fork (2) get the code
>> fixed upstream or (3) re-write it entirely ourselves. We have taken
>> all three of these routes in various cases, but all take a huge amount
>> of duplicated effort.
> I think the thing that is required is:
> (4) carefully test the upstream functions that we use in Sage.
> (5) review the upstream code, at least each function used in Sage.
> I know it won't happen though, because there's too much of it to
> review and too many functions to test. It's too late to fix this
> problem.
> Sage may never have gotten off the ground if this were a requirement.
> It would grind to a halt if this became one. So it will never happen.

My point exactly.

>> Sometimes the route we currently take is "this code exists, let's try
>> to make use of it" which has compromises. So there is the large number
>> of spkgs, some of which cause many headaches, that few people work on,
>> and then there is the core library which, though not without its
>> issues, I feel is in better shape and where most of the work goes.
> I think you mean that most of the *reviewing* work goes into the Sage
> library code.

Yes, though I would say that most of the work done by people, e.g. on
this list, goes into the Sage library code as well.

> There's plenty of work going into the spkgs. That work just isn't
> necessarily under the direct control of the Sage project.
> How many lines of Sage python/cython code are there? About 1.5M or so?
> GMP/MPIR and FLINT together gets up towards 0.5M lines of code, and
> that's just two of nearly 100 spkgs....

I don't mean to discount the work that goes into spkgs at all--after
all I work on Cython myself. And there are spkgs like Python and
SQLite that are heavily worked on completely outside our community.

>> Would I like to see such issues fixed? Yes, for sure. But sometimes
>> treating an spkg as a black box that does what you ask it too gets the
>> job done. Hopefully over time the poorly-written or poorly maintained
>> packages get fixed/replaced. (I see the spkg model staying with us for
>> a long time, hopefully the average quality going up--there are a lot
>> of solid ones.)
> The other option would be to reimplement everything in cython, except
> for a very small core which needs to be in assembly.

I'm not holding my breath :).

>> > Still to come will be the "code rot" issue. Open source packages tend to
>> > have a
>> > very small number of active contributors. Projects tend to stop when those
>> > people
>> > drift away. Once a package is no longer maintained it stops working due to 
>> > a
>> > lot of factors such as incompatible standards like python 3.0, operating
>> > system changes
>> > like include files, architecture changes like parallel builds, loss of
>> > primary
>> > development platforms like the implosion of open solaris, etc. Recent
>> > examples of this
>> > in Sage might be the Atlas 64bit issue (architecture), the Sympow issue
>> > (author
>> > loss), the loss of pointful effort due to the death of open solaris
>> > (platform death),
>> > the python GIL issue on multicore (software architecture), the rise of
>> > python 3.x
>> > (software standards change), etc.
>> > Now that the wave of new spkg adoption has slowed I expect to see a growing
>> > need for maintaining "upstream" code. By *design*, their problems are now
>> > your
>> > problems. Who will debug a problem that exists in 500,000 lines of upstream
>> > code?
>> > Who will understand the algorithms (e.g. sympow) written by experts, some 
>> > of
>> > whom are unique in the world, and debug them?
>> > Writing new code is always fun. Maintaining old code you didn't write is
>> > painful.
>> > But from an end-user perspective "it is all Sage" so all bugs are "Sage
>> > bugs".
>> > That may seem unfair but the end-user won't know or care.
>> > The belief that Sage will gradually rewrite the code pile it has (5 million
>> > lines?) into
>> > higher quality seems odd. For comparison, Axiom is about 1 million
>> > things-of-code
>> > (lisp doesn't have "lines"). It took over 20 years and over 40 million
>> > dollars of funding.
>> > Scaling linearly, Sage would take 100 years and 200 million dollars to be
>> > rewritten
>> > into "all python". Frankly, I think the spkgs are going to be around for a
>> > very long time.
>> >> The second point is that much of the older, crufty code in Sage was
>> >> put in at a time when standards were much lower, or even before there
>> >> was a referee process at all.
>> > When Axiom was written we were using Liskov's ideas directly from the
>> > primary papers.
>> > I believe that we were the first system to dispatch not only on the type of
>> > the arguments
>> > but also on the type of the return (something that is still not common). 
>> > But
>> > Axiom was
>> > developed as research software, not with the intention of being brought to
>> > market as a
>> > product (free or commercial). Sage is being developed with this intention.
>> > Our choice of "standards" was to build on abstract algebra. There were a
>> > great many
>> > debates about the right way to do things and we always went back to the
>> > touchstone of
>> > what abstract algebra implied. At the time (40 years ago) there were no
>> > existing examples
>> > of computational mathematics for many of the ideas so we had to invent 
>> > them.
>> > Axiom
>> > set the standards (e.g. integration) and they were quite high (Axiom still
>> > has the most
>> > complete implementation). Sage has existing examples to guide it.
>> > So at the time Sage was being developed there *were* standards in place. 
>> > You
>> > seem
>> > to feel that Sage was started "pre-standard" (2005?) and "pre-referee"
>> > (ISSAC?).
>> >> I think this was necessary for the
>> >> time--Sage would have gotten off the ground if it couldn't have been
>> >> useful so quickly. This includes in particular many of the spkgs that
>> >> have been grandfathered in and wouldn't make the cut now, but it takes
>> >> time to remove/replace/clean them up. Of course there's room for
>> >> improvement, but do you think the current review process is
>> >> insufficient and lots of new bad code is being written and included?
>> >> If so, what should we do better?
>> > I *do* feel that the current review process in Sage is insufficient (see my
>> > earlier diatriabe).
>> > I see reviews of bug fixes but I don't see reviews of spkgs.
>> Yes, spkgs are a problem.
>> > We are now over 50 years
>> > into the development of computational mathematics and Sage has the goal of
>> > competing
>> > with systems developed in the 1970/1980s, over 30 years ago. This would be 
>> > a
>> > great
>> > thing if Sage were to deeply document the algorithms, develop the 
>> > standards,
>> > and/or
>> > prove the code correct but I don't see anyone advocating any of these. I
>> > don't see anyone
>> > advocating alternative ideas that would "raise the bar" in computational
>> > mathematics.
>> > Even in the area of education I don't see anyone hammering on the NSF to
>> > fund more
>> > efforts in computational mathematics. I don't see pushback to NIST to
>> > standardize the
>> > algorithms. Obama wants to bring science back to life and encourage
>> > research. As the
>> > largest group of academics I would wish that you would petition the funding
>> > sources.
>> > Even if all of the funds went to Sage I'd still feel that this was
>> > worthwhile.
>> > In short, I don't see *change*.
>> If I understand you correctly, you want to set the goal for Sage much
>> higher than just a free, open alternative to the Ma*s.
>> - Robert
> I don't think there is anything wrong with Tim's sentiments. He's
> really just directing them at the wrong project. Sage doesn't have
> those aims, nor do any of the MA*'s. He needs a project with those
> specific aims that he can direct those sentiments towards.

Like Axiom.

I wasn't saying that those weren't worthwhile goals, just that they're
not Sage's.

- Robert

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