On Tuesday 05 October 2010, Bill Hart wrote:
> I also think the bit about Magma using an old fpLLL may be out-of-
> date. Damien Stehle recently did quite a bit of work for the Magma
> group. I'm not 100% sure it's been updated in the latest released
> Magma, but I would be surprised to find it hadn't been.
> Not to worry though, Damien has been a great source of help and
> information for Andy Novocin and I as we've been improving our own
> version of fpLLL in FLINT. My understanding is that for certain
> problems at least, the FLINT version of fpLLL will be faster again.The
> developments in LLL are currently pretty hard to keep up with. It's a
> field that is developing at breakneck pace! I imagine FLINT's version
> of fpLLL will be completely outdated within 24 hours of release, LOL
> (yes, we still haven't released it, but we are nearly there)!

Is your LLL a complete (more or less) drop in replacement for fpLLL? Should we 
use this instead of fpLLL in Sage? 


name: Martin Albrecht
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_jab: martinralbre...@jabber.ccc.de

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